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Re: Are Starter Packs in Skill Reset Equation?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:52 pm
by korin77
jesder wrote:And this will still not solve the issue of purchased trees. Well it will but basicly you could get some free SP by not purchasing a tree after the respec, yet you would still have the levels and SP from that tree.

It would be good for the people who leveled various trees but didnt really want them for anything other than SP.
Aye this is true, I'm not sure what they are going to do to handle that either. Personally I don't see a problem with just giviing people some free sps from lines they got rid of. Most of that will only affect crafter lines anyway.

Re: Are Starter Packs in Skill Reset Equation?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:28 pm
by rlaltman
This one deserves an official reply from Cerest or a dev. I don't think it would be giving away too much info too early, for them to share how the starter packs will be handled.

Re: Are Starter Packs in Skill Reset Equation?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:56 pm
by lyrah68
The average person that plays relatively evenly across ALL skills, by the point of about level 35 has misspent SP. Take for instance, a crafter, myself, that decides, without knowing the cost of each form, that she/he is going to become a jeweler/armorer/weaponsmith all in one. And already HAS a few weapon forms, quite a few armor forms and spend the sp to buy jewel crafting. The cost of the next form is like a fist in the gut, EACH jewel crafting form costs the equivelent of TEN levels to get. BUT the earring form does NOT grant enough xp per crafting to make up for this EXTREME sp cost. SO you basically have to grind out crafting xp in another tree to gain the forms to grind out xp in jeweler. Not something I was ready to do.

Not too sure about the rest of you...but I would gladly give up ANY sp bonuses that I gained in action packs just to take back that jewel crafting experiement.

BUT I was not willing to cop out and reroll, and crafting or magic skill tree errors were the top two reason I heard for rerolling. The other reason being diving to the mainland WAY too early to survive.

Besides, I am looking at the reset in a POSSITIVE light, I lost roughly 200 sp, across all trees, to foolishness. Live and learn, and I see this as a chance to reclaim those lost points. So I lose roughly 20 to 40 sp if they don't look at action problem to me, I am STILL gaining more than 180 misspent points. I still come out ahead.

I could see this glass as half empty, but chose to see it as more than half full. You can see it how ever you chose to.

Re: Are Starter Packs in Skill Reset Equation?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:33 pm
by btamilio
mikwana wrote:Um.. some people seem to think that you will get to use SP from one skill in a different area. That doesnt' make any sense.

In other words, if you have 40 melee and 30 range, you'll get a total of 480 "Fight" skill points (200 for levels up to 21, 190 for melee 22-40, 90 for range 22-30). Now, while you could re-assign some of these only to the melee skill tree (this is a poor example, since there isn't really any difference at this point between the two), you can't take those and spend them on, say, magic.

As for the starter packs, since those are having an over-haul as well, I'd hope that they were all evened out (so that they all get equal points use) and we get to pick those anew as well, or we get 'refunded' the same ammount of 'general' skill points that can be used as we see fit.
Yeah, If you had 20/20/20/20, you're not getting 20 x 10 x 4 = 800 points to spend ANYWHERE, you'd have 200 in each baseline eg: Magic, Harvest, Fight, Craft. Anything else would be crazy ;p

And yeah, I'm sure with the balancing they'll figure something out that's fair with Start Packs. Perhaps early on they considered all the starter packages with skills + items granted to be balanced out in "value", but that means nothing when you are 50 or 100; changing that dagger to a 2h q10 sword doesn't even things out in any way -- it's irrelevant.

As for "Tree Confusion" -- If you earned experience of 27 levels in Jewel Crafting, I would highly expect that not to change -- you'll still be 27 in Jewel Crafting, you still have that experience earned, you just just get your points back. You can't suddenly become 27 in say, Armorcrafting.

It seems pretty straightforward to me. The only risk is, say, if you did get all "Craft" back, and you were 38 in "Jewel Crafting", would you need to (or be forced) to spend skills on the "minimums" that got you there -- eg: Jewel Craft 1,2,3 and probably 4? And if you *didn't*, then is that unfair to the player that starts AFTER patch 1 and makes the same mistakes as you, with no "lather, rinse, repeat" gift.

Anway, it'll be fair, and we'll all be happy and dancing in our respective streets, praising the gods of Nevraxx, etc. etc. We definitely won't be selecting "new" retroactive Start Packs, however.

Until then, it would be REALLY nice if Mighty Cerest could give us a taste of what the implementation for the skill wipe will be, so we don't over speculate, etc etc. Seems to be a hot topic.