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Re: Hate me if you will...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:46 pm
by gralen
nihir wrote:The problems with crafting are mainly due to how expensive it is. New missions should respawn much quicker (<15 minutes). I don't see why this wouldn't be done since missions don't give too much money. Back on newbie island, it was easy enough to run from town to town doing the crafting missions, but that's not possible or feasible on the mainland since there's only apprentice overseers in the main town (in Matis land) and the crafting missions usually require many different fields of crafting to finish.
Actually, there are overseers of varying levels in each town, wandering each zone and in each tribal villiage. In the Witherings, the town mission giving NPCs are located in the Pits of the other three towns. In the Verdant Heights, the mission givers in Natae, Davae and Avalae would be either in the pod huts or the main trees of each town. All of the outlying town mission givers will ignore players below level 50 in their respective skills (be it combat, crafting or foraging).

As the more advanced missions pay very well, reducing the mission repeat time to under 15 minutes would lead to dapper being even more worthless than it currently is for higher level players.

Re: Hate me if you will...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:52 pm
by korin77
Yeah, if missions spawned in under 15 mins I could get 1 bil dappers in 1 day. I already can make 1-2 mil a day if I tried.

Re: Hate me if you will...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:55 pm
by lyrah68
I don't think you were well suited to foraging. I don't think of it as dull and tedious at all. I find it exciting to find a new node (something I did even after having spent two WEEKS or 57 levels forager in newb lands), and then drain it DRY (gathering ALL the units the blue potion bottle says it has in it) one unit maybe two at a time.

To me foraging is HALF the job, crafting is the OTHER half. And I got all 34 armor crafting and 38 weapon crafting levels by FORAGING 100% of the materials. It isn't expensive if you either quarter for or forage for ALL of your mats.

Now, honestly, I did roll up a Matis just to fiddle around and find the visual clues (red Elm leaf, FYI). And on HER, just to try to keep crafting levels and forager levels SORT of the same, I ground out a few store bought craft levels.

HINT, do missions, do EVERY mission you can find. ESPECIALLY talk to the overseers, they have missions, most WELL within your level range, and at least SOME that you have the forms for that pay MUCH more than the cost of materials STORE bought...and if you use ANY foraged is DOUBLE worth the time.

I had absolutely NO troubles making over 250k before leaving newbieland, and I did NOT gouge other players by charging twice mat costs (and then harvest all the mats so my cost would be 0 and profits would be 100%), but rather sold a few extra items here and there, did a FEW orders (maybe ten, surely NO more than 15 total on newb island), and LOTS of overseer missions.

ALSO...right click the suppliers and ask them "what are you buying" or something like that...those are the items that they will pay MUCH more for than ALL the other merchants in that town. You will usually find one or two items that they "will buy" that you have the form for, so even if you have burned ALL you missions, and still need more dappers and still need to grind craft can STILL MAKE cash..not burn it.

And as far as the economy, yes, I find things to spend money on. I am a 38 weapons crafter, and 34 armor crafter...that means...I can't make jewelery, so...I make weapons and armor and sell them and buy jewelery.

Besides, to me it is NOT about the Ubberness. It is NOT about levels to me, other than gaining them to gain skills and be able to make better things. It is about learning and exploring and of course, working with others to learn other things and the feeling of team work.

I was a late open betaer, I tend to beta ANYTHING I can get into. Not for the "free extended trial period" that many think beta is. Beta means TESTING, turning the game upside down and shaking it until something falls loose, then telling the devs what you found.

Beta means doing things the devs didn't INTEND for you to do with their game. TRYING to get stuck in terrain, and then being glad the GM's reply in less than two minutes to UNstick you. It means trying out stuff you KNOW is stupid, but you also know SOMEONE will try.

Testing means TESTING...getting to play around when you aren't testing is part of the reward.

And the idea that an ONLINE game will EVER release in perfect bugless condition is just LAUGHABLE. Ok, think of it, you develope it, alpha it, beta it, debug to within an INCH of its this point a NEW better graphical game engine is out...OK time to RECODE the alpha, REbeta....REdebug...Rinse repeat. The game would be like Rubies of Eventide...PERMENANTLY in beta (that game was in more or less open beta for NINE years, and STILL fell flat on its face when it went live).

There is a point where you HAVE to release, if NOT for financial reasons, then for momentum reasons. There is a point where betaing or testing of ANY kind past that point is beating a dead horse, and the game starts to go stale and lose any momentum and vision you had at the start.

I have gone live with five different games. This release, technically, not the distribution part, was SEAMLESS. The time between beta shut down and release start up was less than most. The lag was not THAT bad in Fyros lands. There was not that much that could get you killed without you being able to avoid it (bug wise). I never lost cash OR characters in any bug.

Horizons, people STILL lose items, buildings (that take MONTHS or more, of 8 hour days SLAVING to finish) and characters to bugs there. Their lag is INSANE still. They released about a YEAR too soon.

Earth and Beyond...may it rest in peace...was a SLAVE to events and story line. The lag on two of its servers was impossible to play (six SECOND delays, no way to plan or use strategy...if it was a challenging were already dead..just didn't KNOW it).

I didn't even go LIVE with Shadowbane, their lag, and LACK of communication with betas was HORRID, I was not ABOUT to pay for that mess.

Lineage two, Ugh, what a mistake...Nuf said.

Of ALL the games I betaed, THIS one has the best system that actually works. YOu are NOT tied to a class, if you want to be a fighter mage, sure your armor limits you, but not severely(you can still cast a pull spell and maybe a heal per battle, even in heavy armor) and you can swap back and forth. NO more Hit the ONE spell you are known for, sit med, stand hit button, rinse repeat.

This Gimme a perfect game and do it NOW mentality is part of what gives us Americans a BAD reputation in the world. We are often thought of...and for good reason, as a group of SPOILT children screaming for MORE CANDY NOW!!! *groan*

Re: Hate me if you will...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:33 pm
by nihir
I paid $45 for this game, so it is not something terrible that I ask for a damn completed game. That $45 wasn't an investment in Nevrax, it was so I could have fun. Where the hell did this America bashing come from? Are you sure I'm not Canadian, or Mexican? None of you who decided to attack me even commented or responded to the ideas I posted.

With that out of the way...
gralen wrote:All of the outlying town mission givers will ignore players below level 50 in their respective skills (be it combat, crafting or foraging).
I have over 50 crafting, but the master overseer's show no missions. I have not found any Apprentice Overseer's outside of Yrkanis.