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Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:30 am
by katriell
Maybe being killed profusely drove them out. *shrug*

Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:47 am
by totnkopf
katriell wrote:Maybe being killed profusely drove them out. *shrug*
think is was probably more from this....
soulsnatcher wrote:Hi guys

In response to the comments in this thread, the general Kitin Invasion thread, as well as tickets and your messages sent to us in game we have tweaked the Cho Invasion somewhat to make it more suitable for players on that shard. We appreciate that there may not be as many high level players on Cho yet and with the unforeseen downtime recently some of you aren't as high a level as you wanted to be for this kind of event. So hopefully these tweaks will make it more along the lines of a genuine challenge, rather than a near impossible fight. As always, your thoughts and comments are welcome.


Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:50 am
by katriell
Of course. :) Just mentioning a slightly more palatable explanation.

Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:11 am
by mugendo
totnkopf wrote:think is was probably more from this....

conclusive proof that the pen is mightier than the sword :D

Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:23 pm
by kibsword
gillest wrote:Was named Horror week:
Should end either sunday night (end of the IRL week) or Tuesday (one IRL week)..

Not sure which myself..
Slaughter week :)

Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:07 pm
by stheno2
Sadly, reducing the size of the invasion force and not increasing reward or decreasing requirements for missions, has made some (including me) that enjoyed this event think of it as an annoyance much like those that complained about it in the first place.

It is rather pointless to try for any great title now. So hunting them is pointless...

It is frustrating to resume regular activities as this pointless invasion force is rather in the way of some regular and most decient hunting/digging spots.

So, I hope something is changed for the better, and/or learned for the future events or risk people getting bored and sadly moving on. Point is to keep the game interesting and avoid stale content that drives people into boredom and ultimatly unsubscribing.

I for one loved this event, we need more similar to it to keep things interesting. I was rather bored up till this event. Now with how it turned out :-(

Plz help us stay interested in Atys all of you from Nevrax.

Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:18 pm
by praha
I had an interest of going for 1-2 titles this weekend. Guess not. Thanks for the nerf. Bah humbug...

Ohh wait, wrong holiday.

I guess I got tricked.

Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:23 pm
by blaah
stheno2 wrote:It is rather pointless to try for any great title now. So hunting them is pointless...
did they tone down bosses too or does invasion lasts until players are high enough to kill them ? ;-)

Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:47 pm
by stheno2
blaah wrote:did they tone down bosses too or does invasion lasts until players are high enough to kill them ? ;-)
Please clarify this it a genuine question? or a not very nice condescending remark designed to insight a flame war?

I ask because I can see it as both ways.

nice way reply....
No idea as I rarely go after bosses (tho I am of level ranges that can be a party to this).

not so nice way reply.......

How very trolling of you to say such a rude and unproductive remark. If you paid any attention to how the event was structured before the "tone down" it was designed for all ranges pretty much. As it seemed all the way from solo mid to high levelers, to groups of lowbies and high levelers. How dare you even act like this is my intention in my post to try to make it easier for the lowbies to get stuff handed to them as it seems you are implying if your comment is taken in this fashion.

The event was structured based on a set criteria of number of mobs vs quantity of drop, and mission requirements were set accordingly to that criteria.

The event changed but the requirements and drop rate/quantity didn't. Thereby breaking the flow of the event for most of the population that seemed to want to hunt NON BOSSES to go for titles. Since NON BOSSES were included in the event, it does effect people that are level challenged.

This event was not designed for boss hunts only, so your remark falls on deaf ears as a troll to me.

So in a nut shell, I am tired atm, if your reply was not in negative tone please excuse my tone. But you leave much room for interpretation which can lead to upset replies.

Next time explain a bit when you quote me with such a vague comment. Since I went into full detail on how I felt and how I see things effecting others who play.

Sad that if I am right and this was a bad side of you comng out, that you don't stop to see that I feel passionate enough that Ryzom doesn't fail and we are ALL able to have fun, that I make this type of post with hopes that it helps give feedback on a game we tend to enjoy.

Re: Kitin Invasion 'toned down'[Cho]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:49 pm
by chessack
stheno2 wrote:Sadly, reducing the size of the invasion force and not increasing reward or decreasing requirements for missions, has made some (including me) that enjoyed this event think of it as an annoyance much like those that complained about it in the first place.
And there is now an equal amount of whining coming from the people who are now furstrated but liked the original versrion of the invasion (on Cho). Shoe's on the other foot, I'd say.

I can't understand how they couldn't figure out a way to do this invasion and keep both people who wanted it, and people who were not interested in it all that much, happy. There had to be some fairly easy way to do this... But instead they went overboard twice... first by over-pumping newbie zones with nasty aggro that frustrates new players, and then, by over-pruning the invasion on Cho to compensate.

There has to be a happy medium... but people on both sides seem to be rather selfish about it, wanting it only to work the way that makes them happy and screw everyone else.

My solution to this whole mess has been to play around with the Ring this week instead. So far, the Ring's pretty damn cool -- I feel like I made a good decision. ;)