If you think about it, a weapon with max adversary dodge mod will miss a lot less then with none. Consequently it is better to hit 3 times with 100dmg then 1 time with 200. Damage overtime.
It also makes a difference if you have dodge mod - you wont get hit/interrupted that often, wont get slowed much etc...
This should paint a reasonable picture for you.
- La Riva
Char Name: Exquisite - Wind
phoenyx wrote:I know that for weaps made with all choice mats, the max damage possible per quality level is as follows:
Q10 = 72
Q20 = 92
Q30 = 112
Q40 = 132
Q50 = 152
and so on up the chain of quality levels.
But what happens when you start making weapons out of excellent or supreme mats? I would imagine the max damage rates are better than choice, but follow the same type of progression through the quality levels. Does anyone have this data?