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Re: Fastest homin in the west?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:55 pm
by ffxjosh
*BUMP* for my edit.



Re: Fastest homin in the west?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:08 pm
by kyesmith
1 hour 6mins and a few seconds
went from pyr -> ykr -> FH -> zora -> pyr
Possible to get under 1hour with a few tries i guess, i lost time getting more bails at FH, used 8 bails in total

Re: Fastest homin in the west?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:03 pm
by kiexa
Thank you all for taking part, Sarakan, Vitae, Sehraci and Yaffle.

I took part myself tonight, time: 1 hour 14 mins :)

Sorry to hear about Constance Tyilin, i hope he undergoes a speedy recovery, iwill visit him later tonight at the Fairhaven Stable, but I know he is in good hands with the stable boy there. O'Cauty Eopie has looked after my mount, Monjeur, many times in the past, and nursed many bruises.

Instead of having a celebration trip tonight, i think we could keep this open, for anyone to have an attempt to beat Yaffles time and even aim to beat that 1 hour barrier.

So Congrats to Yaffle and un-named mount, for being the fastest homin on Atys with a time of 1 hour 6 minutes,

I`ll try to catch up with all 4 of you in the next couple days to distibute the prizes, thanks for taking part and i hope you had fun.