grimjim wrote:Alliances draw on guilds, not individuals, and are likely to be formalised with the conflicts of the coming time. The Charter allows for individuals though, if HOPE wants to sign up to the charter and participate I'm sure nobody would object.
We do need to begin preliminary discussions for a future meeting however.
A conference is a snap shot in time. The findings of the conference are only a statement of the dominant opinion of the attendees. Once the conference is adjourned it no longer exists as an entity, it is now only an opinion to be delivered and discussed.
Jyudas you have captured the consensus of that moment. Whether or not I agree with the opinions is irrelevant. At that time, at that place, this conference made a proclamation. That is all there is to it.
Tomorrow something different will come up, perspective will change. The conference is now dissolved and not able to adapt. There is no longer anything to sign on to. It is the guilds and the alliances which will dominate the political spectrum. The conferences are for free thinkers, ideas, debate and occasional concurment. Hopefully, leaders of the guilds will monitor these meetings, hopefully they will continue to hold value.
But there is nothing more to sign, no one left to object. To those who want to do more then talk it will have to be done in the guilds and the alliances. The best place for that is HOPE.