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Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:49 am
by tygerqt

That's what I'm talking about!

About once a week I'm going to check all the sites I've visted and I'm going to try to add more to the list.
If you see any more out there, let me know and I'll add them to the list for easier access :)

Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:26 pm
by brithlem
Somewhere on this forum I read a post regarding having an experienced player sit on noob island for a few hours once a week or so just to inform the newer players of what to expect on the mainland... answering interface questions and whatnot.

This I think is an amazing idea... 100% great. To make it as useful to the noob players as possible though... I feel it would be necessary to have those cool yellow remarks from the devs / GMs pop up for the players on each noob island with which times to log in under the expectation of help.

For example.... if 5 people sign up for Zorai noob help (5 people would constitute about 40% of all zorai... but we'll ignore that) space that out over 5 days... and have it announced so the noobie players will actually FEEL like they belong.... feel like people are going out of their way to help them become part of the community. It's not too much to accomplish... and i'd be more than willing to be a noob-guide .... but we'd need the help of the developers and GMs to make this truly effectual.

Just my thoughts,

Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:32 pm
by tygerqt
That's definatelly a good idea, I believe anything that helps the newbs is great!
This way they can actually enjoy the game and adjust much faster.

When I started, I first played a Tryker.
There was a player there that kept a toon in the newb isle, helping everyone he could.
I couldn't understand at the time why he was doing it, but I am truly greatful that he did.
If he hadn't, I'm not sure I would've adjusted so quickly and I wouldn't be doing half the things I am.

I have a lot going on in game atm, but I certainly think I'd be willing to help with just Noobie guiding if it doesn't actually develope into something the devs and GMs can change.

I really do think we're going to have to rely on ourselves for this - the GMs and devs are busy enough, I'm sure, and we certainly don't have the advertisement.

This is why I'm trying to grab the bull by the horns, so to speak and trying to come up with ideas that we can do as players.
We'll have to be creative and rely on our own resources.

I love that so many people are willing to contribute!
Hats off to you all, I'm very pleased.

I do love the idea, we're just going to have to work from the ground up on it, I think, unless the GMs are truly inspired by it and decide to help us out ;)
Which I would absolutely love.

Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:36 pm
by tygerqt
OK - I was able to finally get ranking 5/100 (which is needed to post a rating and review) on
I just noticed something.
Ryzom is currently listed at 7.4 on their game list.
Most of the Highly Recommended MMORPGs listed on the main page are 7.5!!!
Get in there!!

All you have to do to be able to review Ryzom is get a ranking of 5/100.
Wanna know how easy that is? Just log in for 5 days.
Every day you log in, your ranking goes up.

This is sooo easy and a good way to get The Saga seen!
Chip in and log in!

Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:42 pm
by random44
Actually, for, you can get that ranking status quicker. After creating my accout, I went straight to writing up a nice hearty post and throwing it in the SoR forum. Then, I logged on the next day and was able to rate games :) . So, it is my theory that a good post will score you 3 additional ranking points.

Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:44 pm
by tygerqt
Rock on!! That'll help a ton, I wasn't aware of that.

Good Show! *cheers*

You simply rawk, mah dear :)

Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:03 pm
by random44
Actually, I just checked my profile. After 2 posts I have 31/100 ranking points. (Go figure) :)

Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:05 pm
by tygerqt
Holy goodness, lol, very nice!

Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:25 am
by douph
tygerqt wrote:There was a player there that kept a toon in the newb isle, helping everyone he could. I couldn't understand at the time why he was doing it, but I am truly greatful that he did.
When I started there was at least one experienced player on the Fyros island. (Fyros is so darned popular) They were a great help, even though they couldn't answer some of our forage skill tree questions. When I restarted, and was on the Matis island, I was startled to find that I was the more experienced player. I had thought that seeding veterans on the islands was a standard practice. Since I am a 'casual' player, I could not help as much as I might like.

Someone recently suggested volunteer helpers in the starting continent cities, but I think island volunteers are much more to the point, and should be applied with a mind to the best coverage possible time-wise.

I know you guys mean well, but I strongly disagree with what you are doing.

This course of action is effectively spamming game reveiw sites with very colored and subjective 'reviews' just because you want more people to hunt with/buy your mats/pvp fight......
I won't pretend that people playing the other MMORPGs aren't doing the same thing; they probably are.

I disagree because the reveiwers gave Ryzom that ranking for a reason. The same reason why Helper Homins on the islands are a good idea.

Ryzom simply has a steep learning curve for new players.
[Also they continue to gradually roll out content while the others went live with 90% of content in place. Also they tended to be dissatisfied with the mission system etc... etc... etc... I read them before I started Ryzom, and I found the reveiws to be mostly accurate]

The best way for you guys to use this enthusiam is to concentrate on the concept of Island Helpers. (co-ordinating with the city-helper people would be best)

Its the best way because when people (kids) suddenly see that Ryzom is miraculously rated higher than WoW, guess what's going to happen? They start out on an island, have problems with the interface, have problems with the skill tree, have problems with the beastie difficulty, get frustrated and quit.

Re: Well, I'm at it again :o) Operation: More US players!!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:54 pm
by random44
I both agree and disagree with what you said.

You see, here's the tactic. We spam the forum sites and such with semi-honest reviews, and poeple will try the trial. When I first started the game, one of the only reasons I continued playing was because of 4 guys who I met on noob isle. They were really nice and helpful. This is where the volunteer work comes in. If someone trys the trial and never meets a helpful person, they won't have much incentive to continue playing. But, what would be the point of having volunteers and then no new trialers?

You *plural* may think that the idea of bringing more people to Ryzom will add problems, such as unwanted PvP or a more annoying and mean community. I don't think that would happen. You see, the uniqe thing about Ryzom is that it isn't perfect. Far from it, in fact. Beacuase of this, all the whiners and complainers and the people who won't put effort in will be filtered out. Except Raynes ;) .

In conclusion, I think that the site spamming is a nessecary part of the recruiting process.

Also, I volunteer to be a Matis guide, seeing as Matis is the most popular race. (all the noobs go for the most human-like :D )