It all started for me when I saw this post on saying: Ryzom goes open beta. I was playing all things that were free in that time so I clicked on the link to, I downloaded the game (wich was 3-4 gb already!) So I was thinking: this game must have very neat graphics!
I downloaded the game, made my account and started the game.
I could only choose between Fyros & Matis, I picked Matis. (I was on the 2nd server) the Newbie village was empty, couldn't find anybody, until somebody showed up.. naked..
I crafted somethings before, and i took these caster pants plan. I crafted these pants for her, and we looked the same now, never heard of her later on. I felt lonely so I went on the other server, and made my a Fyros char.
I saw some people now! holding big guns. I said: "Cool, I want to be a ranged fighter too!", the guy said: "Don't do it, it costs too much money.", He also told me that beta time was over!
A few days later, it was time for me to go to the mainland of Fyros.
When I went there, I walked immediately to the gate and saw some people. there were 50 of them killing a huge kipee! I was thinking WOW!
And i was thinking WTH am I doing here? what's this game about? That was the last thing i could say, because that was the last day of Open beta..
From this point I got addicted, and played all the open weekends + 25% of closed beta.
Tell your story! I'm interested!
How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
Ranged fighter
Re: How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
You sound a bit like Neun
I had to listen to how much he was enjoying it during closed beta lol

Matis Forager, Armourer and Weapon Crafter
Jack of all trades master of none.
Matis Forager, Armourer and Weapon Crafter
Jack of all trades master of none.
Re: How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
I Downloaded Open beta client and played in 10 mins after that i decided this is the game i wanna play 

~ Zcorpion ~
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-[]Atysopedia[/url] moderator
..:::Warrior of The new empire:::..
[color=ccff33]"we ride together we die together bad boys for life"[/color]
Re: How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
For me it started back in open beta 1. I got the client from FilePlanet as I too was looking for a new game to try following the demise of Earth & Beyond, and as I was a bit strapped for cash I was limited to games that were either free or in beta.
Like many, at first I was a bit overwhelmed at the learning curve with all the stanzas and actions and options and credits etc etc (much tougher in those days as most actions had no names only placeholders) but I got to grips with it quite quickly and I really liked the fact I could do what I wanted and not what the devs were trying to force me to do. This was just what I was looking for as I like to be a jack of all trades which I could do with one char instead of the six I had in E&B.
At that time, Fyros was the only land available and I still get nostalgic now when I venture back there, and I still remember the first time I made it to Thesos and how proud I felt of steering my little level 30 melee char past all those nasty mobs that could squash me at 25 yards just by looking at me
Things have really changed since then. No more self heal magic, no more wondermats at the vendors, no more getting every crafting plan at level 1, but I honestly believe that the changes that have happened have been changes for the better, and with hindsight things that really got me steaming have all fallen into place and improved the game (yes, even the infamous Patch 1).
What got me hooked? Simple - everything. Maybe I'm easy to please but I can't think of a single thing that has turned me off from this game, with the possible exception of the lack of communication from Nevrax on their vision for the future, but even that doesn't stop me enjoying the game itself.
The other thing that really makes me want to stay are my guildmates. I've always been the type for whom nothing is too big a chore for my guildies, and I always supply anything I have to my friends if they need it, and in Rulers of Atys I have found a whole bunch of kindred spirits who feel pretty much the same way.
So, basically, I love this game both for the game itself and for the fellow players that help make it what it is. I plan to be here for a long time...
Go RoA
Like many, at first I was a bit overwhelmed at the learning curve with all the stanzas and actions and options and credits etc etc (much tougher in those days as most actions had no names only placeholders) but I got to grips with it quite quickly and I really liked the fact I could do what I wanted and not what the devs were trying to force me to do. This was just what I was looking for as I like to be a jack of all trades which I could do with one char instead of the six I had in E&B.
At that time, Fyros was the only land available and I still get nostalgic now when I venture back there, and I still remember the first time I made it to Thesos and how proud I felt of steering my little level 30 melee char past all those nasty mobs that could squash me at 25 yards just by looking at me

Things have really changed since then. No more self heal magic, no more wondermats at the vendors, no more getting every crafting plan at level 1, but I honestly believe that the changes that have happened have been changes for the better, and with hindsight things that really got me steaming have all fallen into place and improved the game (yes, even the infamous Patch 1).
What got me hooked? Simple - everything. Maybe I'm easy to please but I can't think of a single thing that has turned me off from this game, with the possible exception of the lack of communication from Nevrax on their vision for the future, but even that doesn't stop me enjoying the game itself.
The other thing that really makes me want to stay are my guildmates. I've always been the type for whom nothing is too big a chore for my guildies, and I always supply anything I have to my friends if they need it, and in Rulers of Atys I have found a whole bunch of kindred spirits who feel pretty much the same way.
So, basically, I love this game both for the game itself and for the fellow players that help make it what it is. I plan to be here for a long time...
Go RoA

Call me Legion, for we are many...
Re: How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
I was in the closed beta a long time ago when it first started. But it ran like such crap and felt wierd so I thought the game was junk and left. A long time later I was totally bored and also very dissapointed with WoW so I downloaded the Ryzom Open beta. After beta ended I wanted more and really missed playing so I bought it as soon as it hit shelves.
Re: How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
Hmm such a long time ago...
I was brand new to the MMO world, started off with planetside, then eventually realized it was the very same thing everyday, so i checked out fileplanet and saw an ad "join open beta today". 1hr later, client downloaded and im ingame. Played 2 weeks of OB, and realized how much i was hooked on the game when i forfeited my clan's semi final Ut2k4 league match
The graphics did not impress me much, but the combat system did, so did the community. The lack of content became very obvious at release, and the flow of people emigrating to WoW and EQ2 was quite a concerning factor.
But well, gotta give it time, the game will be fun again,....eventually
I was brand new to the MMO world, started off with planetside, then eventually realized it was the very same thing everyday, so i checked out fileplanet and saw an ad "join open beta today". 1hr later, client downloaded and im ingame. Played 2 weeks of OB, and realized how much i was hooked on the game when i forfeited my clan's semi final Ut2k4 league match

The graphics did not impress me much, but the combat system did, so did the community. The lack of content became very obvious at release, and the flow of people emigrating to WoW and EQ2 was quite a concerning factor.
But well, gotta give it time, the game will be fun again,....eventually

Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
Re: How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
I got blind drunk bought the wrong game of the net and here i am 

[highlight]*Mikelaw *
"AKA: Panda/Pandi"
"One Pandi To Rule Them All"
"Official Mr/Miss World Atys Host"
"Father Of Jacklaw"
"On/Off Play"[/highlight]
"AKA: Panda/Pandi"
"One Pandi To Rule Them All"
"Official Mr/Miss World Atys Host"
"Father Of Jacklaw"
"On/Off Play"[/highlight]
Re: How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
LOL!mikelaw wrote:I got blind drunk bought the wrong game of the net and here i am
This is my first MMORPG, but it sounded like fun and I like RL RPGs. I also downloaded it about 4 days before the end of the first Open Beta and was totally hooked! I played Fyros and joined about 25 other players in chaotic melee with one or more Kipees. My poor little machine was mainly freakin' out and most the toons were just a few triangles with the occasional number above them, but it was soo much fun. I think it was mainly the lack of dragons, elves and orcs and the fact that most of those other homins out runnning around out there were really people who I could have a human like conversation with (well mostly human

I also played a Tryker and only just made it to the mainland on the last day of Open Beta. Spent most of the time running around trying to figure out what I could fight and hoping I didn't die because of the massive lag in Fair Haven.
Similar story in FBT. I spent most of the time just exploring and having fun. I guess thats why its a game

Aedan Artisans
Aedan Artisans
Re: How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
My first time was OB2 (i'm such a noob, tihi
) I got addicted within the first 10 minutes, hehe, then it was that horrible 15 day wait 'till i got the game, and now i've played it for 3 month, still addicted 

"We Tryker live by the virtues of freedom, equality and sharing."
Re: How did you get addicted to Ryzom? How was your first time?
i was staying at a friends house, and his brother logged onto the first day of the 2nd open beta, i had never heard of ryzom before that. i sat and watched him for hours, even tho there were no conversations or anything going on back on that first day, the place was empty for the first hour or so, then new homins started popping up everywhere. yubo after yubo fell and when i saw my first kipee, i decided, this was the game for me
. i went home that evening after watch him for hours, downloaded it overnight, then entered the adventure. First MMO also, and i cant go back to normal games ever again.
