or, to put it another way,
Merry Xmas to the many people who have been so helpful in the 2 months I have been playing - long may the community spirit continue.
Good hunting in 2005!
Xmas Xuberant Xpression (Xcluding Xpletives)
Re: Xmas Xuberant Xpression (Xcluding Xpletives)

I returned to Ryzom in November, for the first time since Open Beta ended back in Summer. It's been a turbulent couple of months, but I'm very optimistic for 2005

Merry Christmas to the whole community - make sure you have a safe and enjoyable one, and that you don't spend too long away from Atys

PS Diggin - this very much includes you, Merry Christmas

Dazman - Zoraï Defensive Mage / Forager
Kalzakath - Fyros Melee / New Refugee
Arispotle Shard - European English Community

Kalzakath - Fyros Melee / New Refugee
Arispotle Shard - European English Community
Re: Xmas Xuberant Xpression (Xcluding Xpletives)
While I usually don't wish people happy xmas till the 25th i'll make an exception as i'm not going to be on the forums on xmas day lol.
<Insert coloured writing in brain here> hehe.
<Insert coloured writing in brain here> hehe.
Re: Xmas Xuberant Xpression (Xcluding Xpletives)
Merry Christmas one and all!!
someone pass me a beer!
someone pass me a beer!
The Divine Council of Pyr
Re: Xmas Xuberant Xpression (Xcluding Xpletives)
Merry christmas to all and to all a happy new year 
mmmmm turkey

mmmmm turkey

Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
Re: Xmas Xuberant Xpression (Xcluding Xpletives)
have a good xmas
Kibs - High Officer of The New Empire (Arispotle server)
Kibsy - Silan Alt (Arispotle server)
Avatar by Ema
Master of two, huggler of all!
Kibs' Autolauncher and Ammo shop
Vote for Ryzom on mmorpg.com!
Kibsy - Silan Alt (Arispotle server)
Avatar by Ema
Master of two, huggler of all!
Kibs' Autolauncher and Ammo shop
Vote for Ryzom on mmorpg.com!
Re: Xmas Xuberant Xpression (Xcluding Xpletives)
-insert something spontainiously special here- hehe
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all of the comunity, the CSR's and the devs, damn fine job all
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all of the comunity, the CSR's and the devs, damn fine job all

Exelsiar; Fyros jack of all trades, and slaughterer of many things
Exmalous; Matis mage
EzRabi; Zorai harvester and crafter for the newblands
Exmalous; Matis mage
EzRabi; Zorai harvester and crafter for the newblands
Re: Xmas Xuberant Xpression (Xcluding Xpletives)
bah humbug.....
merry xmas all
ill prob be too drunk to type from tommorow morning 7 hours from now so uh cya all soon 

merry xmas all

Diggin proud member and Officer in The Samsara
Im not spaming.... im power lvling my forum account
Im not spaming.... im power lvling my forum account

Re: Xmas Xuberant Xpression (Xcluding Xpletives)
Merry xmas to all of you.