Dual Wield

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Dual Wield

Post by jujumon »

Is this skill in the game? I haven't heard anything conclusive about it yet. And if so, is it useful? It sounds like most higher lvl players end up using 2-handed weapons anyway.

If dual wield IS in the game, what lvl is it available at, and what tree do you have to progress through to get at it?

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Re: Dual Wield

Post by tetra »

jujumon wrote:Is this skill in the game? I haven't heard anything conclusive about it yet. And if so, is it useful? It sounds like most higher lvl players end up using 2-handed weapons anyway.

If dual wield IS in the game, what lvl is it available at, and what tree do you have to progress through to get at it?


Take two weapons such as a dagger and a sword or two daggers.
put one in your left hand.
put the other in your right hand.
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Re: Dual Wield

Post by jujumon »

tetra wrote:Take two weapons such as a dagger and a sword or two daggers.
put one in your left hand.
put the other in your right hand.


I have a spear which is listed as one handed. But I cannot put it in the left hand, no can I put my dagger in my left hand when my spear is in my right hand. Is this just a restriction of spears?

And if dual wield does work that way with daggers and swords, is there any penalty to holding a second weapon? Perhaps a increased chance to miss?

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Re: Dual Wield

Post by jdiegel »

I thought I heard somebody say that you can only dual wield a dagger when you hava a 1 handed sword equipped.
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Re: Dual Wield

Post by smirch »

jujumon wrote:yet...

I have a spear which is listed as one handed. But I cannot put it in the left hand, no can I put my dagger in my left hand when my spear is in my right hand. Is this just a restriction of spears?

And if dual wield does work that way with daggers and swords, is there any penalty to holding a second weapon? Perhaps a increased chance to miss?


I haven't used the spears much yet but I'm guessing that you can throw a shield into the other hand, otherwise the spear should be recognized as a full fledged zweihander.

The downside to DWing is basically a small increase in damage output for a larger increase for damage intake.
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Re: Dual Wield

Post by ayne31 »

Never thought about dual wielding cause as the weapons are now you get

1. more damage with a 2-H
2. more protection with a large shield

The only thing making dual wield interesting would be the possiblity for 2 sap-loaded weapons :D

And while we're at it: I want to wield TWO pistols! Yeah man - like in Matrix or all those Jon Woo flicks, I really want it!!!
Last edited by ayne31 on Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dual Wield

Post by frisco4 »

ayne31 wrote:Never thought about dual wielding cause as the weapons are now you get

1. more damage with a 2-H
2. more protection with a large shield

The only thing making dual wield interesting would be the possiblity for 2 sap-loaded weapons :D

And while we're at it: I want to wield TWO pistols! Yeah man - like in Matrix or all those Jon Woo flicks, I really want it!!!

Better then matrix is Equilibrium!!!!!!! Well for dual weilding pistols!!! John Preston(Christian Bale) JUST ROCKS in that movie! think Ill watch it while I wait for download hehe
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Re: Dual Wield

Post by kahuna »

I've seen comments that one gets higher XP with a 1h sword and shield than with a 2h sword... it used to be that XP was based in part on how long it took to kill something; if that's still the case, you'd get better experience because it'll take longer to get a kill.
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Re: Dual Wield

Post by grimnoir »

Dual weilding presents a number of choices to the player, as well as eliminating a number of others. It is were you begin to specialize your combat template.

Dual weapons do less damage than their 2-handed counterparts, true, however, they are considerably lighter as well, and with lighter comes QUICKER.

You will have less bulk and weight with a dagger combination, than with a 2-handed sword as well.

However, you will not be able to use imbedded spells with the off handed weapon, usually the dagger, as the "use weapon enchantment" button on your action bar will only support one weapon usage.

Ultimately it will come down to your own prefered combat style. A dual wielder in light or medium armor would be considered a "fast" template relying primarily on Dodge for defense (Rogue, if you will). As thus, all of your defensive/offensive stanzas will lean toward that fight style. This player would use stanza executions like "only used after dodge," along with rapid attack stanzas that lean more heavily on Stamina usage etc.

The 2-Handed weilder will be more of a "Damge Dealer," but his/her attacks would suffer a slower rate of execution. This being the case, Their stanzas would lean a bit more toward the heavy damage with more penalties on the Health pool than Stamina.

There are a thousand shades of grey in between as well. A heavy Armored deul Weilder...A light armored damage dealer etc etc. There will no doubt be many divergers from the standard heavy armor, heavy shield, one-sword, standard template of many other MMOs. This is the true beauty of SoR, the choice is TRULY entirely yours, and you will be experimenting for some time before you settle on the character lay you enjoy playing the most.
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