The Solution IS Dilution... KITIN BEGONE!

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Re: The Solution IS Dilution... KITIN BEGONE!

Post by lyrah68 »

*nods* the PR is guarded like the chocolate before Christmas day. I sat for FOUR hours and they pathed alright...but...not far enough for a baby tryker to squeek by.
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Re: The Solution IS Dilution... KITIN BEGONE!

Post by gecker »

Well we did just that in Enchanted Isle. Huge pack of Kitin right near the foraging area, so a bunch of us got together and cleaned house on the Kitin. Made foraging much better for a couple of days. Time to do it again though...

I will say that the most recent patch was a big improvement for the 50 to 150 lvl foragers in Tryker. Winds of Muse (q100) and Fount (q150) used to be quite a challenge to get in to, but since the last patch more people have made it in to those areas than anytime in the past.
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Re: The Solution IS Dilution... KITIN BEGONE!

Post by splatula »

The guards have been "tucking-in" closer to the entrance of the tunnels. The tunnels with the double-exits are really nasty, with Kinchers coming RIGHT INTO the tunnels with little or no warning. Often I will have to incur a quick death by running past a bunch of them, luring them in one direction, so I can quickly respawn and take the opposite direction. Sometimes this is not so good of an idea, as some Kinchers run back to their post like it's feeding time at the zoo... but I expect to max out my DP when I'm running such a trip. I do find it MUCH easier to navigate solo than with a huge group of agro magnets, but I'm also sticking mostly to Wastelands and UnderSpring.

What I'm talking about more than anything is like mowing the lawn. There will always be more to do, but if we can somehow thin out their numbers certain areas may be a little easier to navigate. Gecker - thanks for the report. Their group killed the nasties, then had some time to forage(a couple days worth). Sounds logical to me.

Another point to note... if you kill a nasty creature, don't take the mats off of it if you figure you're going to stay in that area awhile. Leaving the full carcass will buy you some time before the respawn.
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Re: The Solution IS Dilution... KITIN BEGONE!

Post by thexdane »

neofuzz wrote:I like posts that whine about whining more, they take threads off into pointless flames detracting from the original topic. gj. :rolleyes:

Q: Now who said they hadn't read about the recent and upcoming changes?
A: Noone

To discuss the current state of gameplay is not to be ignorant of changes yet to come. Easy on your assumptions, there can't be an assumption without an ass in there somewhere. :eek:

it wasn't meant as that, it was an observation based on what i've seen. the thing is ppl can READ the release notes, the fact that they comprehend what it means is another story

i've expected there to be goodly amounts of new mobs in places. so that means one of two things, we hunt said beasties and get them out of the spot or we don't go there anymore. it can suck but it's good that the game gives us some variety

so let's all get together and stop the mobs
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Re: The Solution IS Dilution... KITIN BEGONE!

Post by sydius »

I like the concept of completely unreasonable numbers and difficulties of baddies in some areas (especially those people want in to!). I love the idea of needing 20+ people to even pass through some of the areas. I’m not being sarcastic, either. It adds a whole new dimension to the game. That is, after all, the key advantage to this engine: large-scale battles.
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Re: The Solution IS Dilution... KITIN BEGONE!

Post by neofuzz »

thexdane wrote:hate to say this but after working in the computer field for a while, i have come to one conclusion
people don't read nor comprehend the english lanuage
I hate to say this, but not giving a rat's ass where any judgemental fool comes from... I have come to the conclusion that any who would obtusely belittle others with implications of illiteracy or incomprehension of the english language should atleast attempt to use correct grammar.
thexdane wrote:it wasn't meant as that, it was an observation based on what i've seen. the thing is ppl can READ the release notes, the fact that they comprehend what it means is another story

It wasn't meant as what? Don't mind me, I'm just illiterate and totally uncomprehending. :rolleyes:
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Re: The Solution IS Dilution... KITIN BEGONE!

Post by bizango »

I don't often get into the roots so I haven't much comparison to know if it is 'harder or easier or different' than before. In the areas I do frequent, I see day/night and seasonal variations where it can be very tough with carnivores, a while later the place is devoid of them and then they come back.

This is not a game where you can expect the same level 37 ogre to spawn in the same place every 75 seconds and behave the same way. It is a living, changing ecology. I expect it runs in cycles that aren't just day/night and seasonal but more complex and dynamic.

I tend to think the difficulty people are seeing is not inept balancing by Nevvy, but the ecology we are meant to see. I tend to think the changes in patrols is a way to keep players on their feet and not take anything for granted. I like that - it means the game does not become routine grinding, it stays challenging.
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