WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by thexdane »

piknik2 wrote:Thanks thanakar, I thought I was going insane :)

Anyways, I'm fine with switching to all Gentle; I would have just prefered to be TOLD about it instead of having to find out on my own. I guess me making a constructive rant ( oxy moron .. hehe ? ) is stupid, right thexdane?

There aren't enough skill points to get all gentle AND all harmful and extract at your level; this doesn't even begin to include specializations and care plans. Oh well... more adjustments. Just seems rather unfair that we have to work three to four times as hard to forage and level the same amount as people did earlier in the life of this game.

I'M SO HAPPY IT'S FIXED!! Please, fix more stuff... there's still a few things that are too easy and even enjoyable in the game!

funny i can get both at that level, actually if he's doing q100 then i'm a lower lvl in harvesting and i've got both and the care packages. funny what are you spending all your points on then?

and i was told about them changing the harvesting around about 2 months ago when patch 1 came out. so yeah it's stupid if you didn't know about something that happened almost 2 months ago
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by usinuk »

I haven't noticed any change in gentle harvesting yields or problems. Don't use aggro outside of teams so haven't tried that yet. And with the patch 1 changes you do run out of points if you go all gentle...I was one of the very few all-gentle harvesters pre-patch 1 (check my post history defending it) and noticed the difference immediately. Its not until you pick up other-terrain experience SPs that you get to take more than a couple prospecting stanzas if you choose all gentle speed/rate/quality. (At 110 forest, I didn't pick up deposit tracking until I hit 70 in PR...didn't have the points.) Neither this or if aggro doesn't work as well is particuarly game breaking, but certainly annoying and if changed, it's not 'stupid' to note the difference between the way it was and the way it is, especially without a respec.

I have noticed not only a migration of sorts - certainly some mobs sitting where they weren't before - but a number of more aggro mobs hanging around in PR, and aggro ranges are just as long as they used to be. Heaven help you if you don't have sources marked already - exploring outside of max DP went from very hard to suicidal. (That said, if you haven't done the max DP explore thing its very fun...for a while. Highly recommended.) I really hope Cerest is right and the commentary on server resets is also accurate.

Haven't fought yet outside of a couple insta-splatter deaths, so can't comment on mob strength. Can say that I've crashed a couple of times during transports, which is new and disturbing.

What is game breaking, however, is that stealth changes - most specifically, stealth nerfs - are generally regarded as the #1 cause of players quitting MMORPGs. Unfortunately, the history of communication between devs and players regarding changes has pretty much shown that stealth changes appear entirely acceptable to the-powers-that-be...unless you believe in the fanboi the-game-is-perfect-you-moron-cheer-as-loud-as-you-can-to-drown-out-anyone-who-doesn't-agree-with-us version of the history of this game.

Oh, yes, these changes weren't previewed on ATS either. Maybe they'll listen to feedback from ATS for patch 2. We'll see.
Last edited by usinuk on Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by zumwalt »

Just got offline from playing for almost 4 hours straight, what did I notice, a slight increase in creatures, specifically herbavores and kippee, but these were all non agro increase, as far as agro mob increase, I actually noticed a decrease.

So call me confused, the game to me was easier.
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by tinpony »

piknik2 wrote:I can't believe this.... I've spent most of my posts defending previous patches from the out-cry. But today, I actually logged out of the game because it's so gimped! I could excuse being given an instant death penatly for logging and in and being surrounded by aggro.

BUT, I can't forgive anymore UNDOCUMENTED PATCH CHANGES!!! I hope it's just me in my state of hysteria that's seeing this foraging problem but maybe others can chime in on this. Yesterday, I was able to run a Harm Speed 3, Harm Rate 3, Gentle Quality 120 extraction stanza and actually get a 4-5 mats of that quality. Today, I can't run a 3 3 Q100 MATERIAL SPECIALIZED stanza and get a single mat over q93, 94, 87 or death explosion. Anyone else seen a reduction in extraction rates again with this patch?

I got 2.5 levels today in jungle harvest using the same specs and skills from last week and never got a quality fail, never died and never saw a drop in my take per harvest. <shrug>

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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by neofuzz »

tinpony wrote:I got 2.5 levels today in jungle harvest using the same specs and skills from last week and never got a quality fail, never died and never saw a drop in my take per harvest. <shrug>


I got 2mill dp trying to explore the prime roots for a nice place to harvest, and from combat vs plants 70 levels lower than me. <shrug>
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by xcomvic »

wow, 2mil DP?! ummm what is the maximum DP one can have?
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by tinpony »

neofuzz wrote:I got 2mill dp trying to explore the prime roots for a nice place to harvest, and from combat vs plants 70 levels lower than me. <shrug>

Yeah, Xal said the Roots went insane. :/ Part of the reason I stayed on the Mull.

I'll get my 1.2 mill DP in a couple days... provided I'm ever able to log in again. What the PR did to your DP, Ryzom's auto-updates do to my playable copy.

Look at it this way... the PR may suck, but at least you can get into the game to find that out first hand. :D I'm stuck dodging 'checksums do not corresponds' and 'run-time error, client_ryzom_rd has requested that the file be terminated in an unusual manner'... ooo, and a little 'the file has been forced to close' thrown in for giggles.

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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by basicart »

At least nexus is good still : p
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by lyrah68 »

Xcomic, the DP max goes up with each level you gain, it is based off your HIGHEST level in anything. And at 77 forager...it is rather easy to max it out at I think 325k ish, I think it was four or five deaths, after that...death does NOT matter (best to go naked if you KNOW you are going to die ALOT).
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by xcomvic »

i know that... but what is THE MAXIMUM one can get in the whole game? if you just kept on dieing....
In response to the ignorant players out there:

I have more heart than anyone would know :) I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.

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