People should really get used to this...
People should really get used to this...
Ryzom is completly unique in the fact that it offers a world that is actually alive. One of the biggest selling points is the fact that nothing stays the same. Included in this is the fact that animals will move and mats will dry up. I hear way to often people complaining about not being able to get to their normal harvesting spot or that the way to a certain area is blocked by aggressive creatures. Well why should you always be able to do the same thing over and over? The planet is alive, things constantly change, so it shouldn't be a big deal if you have to find new ways of doing things. This is the way Atys will behave for all of it's exsistance. Atys changes depending on conditions, you as a homin, a part of Atys should also learn to change depending on conditions.
Re: People should really get used to this...
ah yes, problem: too many harvesters in the roots


█████████████████ Mithaldu █████████████████
Server: Leanon, Gilde: Silberdrachen, der Ryzom-Squad von [G.S.M]
IRC: irc://
Der inoffizielle Ryzom-Player-Channel: irc://
Neu: Jetzt mit 100% mehr Phelan!
(\(\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxServer: Leanon, Gilde: Silberdrachen, der Ryzom-Squad von [G.S.M]
IRC: irc://
Der inoffizielle Ryzom-Player-Channel: irc://
Neu: Jetzt mit 100% mehr Phelan!
(")") *This is the cute bunny virus, please copy this into your sig so it can spread.
Re: People should really get used to this...
hey, don't post my! screens ... not until i got my new gfx-card ... this damaged one sucks =)
wenn ein mensch wahnvorstellungen hat, dann nennt man das eine psychische stoerung
haben viele menschen wahnvorstellungen, dann nennt man das religion
haben viele menschen wahnvorstellungen, dann nennt man das religion
Re: People should really get used to this...
nobody would've known it was your crappy card that produced this 

█████████████████ Mithaldu █████████████████
Server: Leanon, Gilde: Silberdrachen, der Ryzom-Squad von [G.S.M]
IRC: irc://
Der inoffizielle Ryzom-Player-Channel: irc://
Neu: Jetzt mit 100% mehr Phelan!
(\(\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxServer: Leanon, Gilde: Silberdrachen, der Ryzom-Squad von [G.S.M]
IRC: irc://
Der inoffizielle Ryzom-Player-Channel: irc://
Neu: Jetzt mit 100% mehr Phelan!
(")") *This is the cute bunny virus, please copy this into your sig so it can spread.
Re: People should really get used to this...
But by now, shouldn't we have SOME FRIKKIN IDEA how things are gonna change??? As homins, we have NO FREAKING control over things, when it seems even in response to our actions, we get a random response, as opposed to something more predictable.raynes wrote:Ryzom is completly unique in the fact that it offers a world that is actually alive. One of the biggest selling points is the fact that nothing stays the same. Included in this is the fact that animals will move and mats will dry up. I hear way to often people complaining about not being able to get to their normal harvesting spot or that the way to a certain area is blocked by aggressive creatures. Well why should you always be able to do the same thing over and over? The planet is alive, things constantly change, so it shouldn't be a big deal if you have to find new ways of doing things. This is the way Atys will behave for all of it's exsistance. Atys changes depending on conditions, you as a homin, a part of Atys should also learn to change depending on conditions.
Re: People should really get used to this...
well i guess we all do now
at any rate i agree with raynes on this one. Games are not ment to b a cake walk and personaly I enjoy the fact that my harvest points change or things dont always spawn in the same spots for ever and ever. Change is good and I give the devs a pat on the back for this game.I get tired of hearing the same slandering stuff and complaining about the game being to hard for you -=rants some=- boo hooo get over it!

·÷±± Infinity ±±÷
Re: People should really get used to this...
I don't have a problem with mobs moving, I don't like to forage the spot all the time, that gets boring. I just have a problem with mob numbers quadrupling making it impossible to get to any of them or even find new ones.
Re: People should really get used to this...
Have you taken the time to try and figure out how or why they change? If the ability to control mobs and keep them in one location meant not killing them or keeping out of an area, would you do it?ichigono wrote:But by now, shouldn't we have SOME FRIKKIN IDEA how things are gonna change??? As homins, we have NO FREAKING control over things, when it seems even in response to our actions, we get a random response, as opposed to something more predictable.
Re: People should really get used to this...
I have been harvesting in the Winds of Muse for the past week or so. When spring came yesterday or the day before a pack of cloppers set up shop on the spawn-in point for the Kami teleporter. This wasnt that big of a problem since I also had a ticket for the Kaavaran teleporter, and after the initial spawn-and-die I started using that. But it did make me wonder.
Spawn in points themselves should be safe, monsters can wander up and stay out side of aggro range to keep people penned in. Similar to what they do at the portal points. But there should never be a situation where you teleport in somewhere and have no time to react and teleport out.
I really like the mob locations changing and the fact that much is not static. However aggro mobs should not camp a teleporter respawn point. From several other posts on the boards apparently the spawn camping mobs are problems in many regions. Hopefullt Nev will take a look at it.
Spawn in points themselves should be safe, monsters can wander up and stay out side of aggro range to keep people penned in. Similar to what they do at the portal points. But there should never be a situation where you teleport in somewhere and have no time to react and teleport out.
I really like the mob locations changing and the fact that much is not static. However aggro mobs should not camp a teleporter respawn point. From several other posts on the boards apparently the spawn camping mobs are problems in many regions. Hopefullt Nev will take a look at it.
Re: People should really get used to this...
This isn't about mobs moving from one location to another, its about mobs in one location suddenly quadrupling in numbers becuase of a patch. That has nothing to do with migrations, it has everything to do with making it more difficult to get to resources needed to harvest.raynes wrote:Have you taken the time to try and figure out how or why they change? If the ability to control mobs and keep them in one location meant not killing them or keeping out of an area, would you do it?