WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

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WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by ichigono »

I read the patch notes, and there was some good stuff listed in them, so, I was looking forward to playing for a few hours today. After logging in, however, my hopes were dashed. I was trying to get to some good mats from Thesos, that happen to have some aggressive mobs in the way, looking forward to an easier trek, but what I saw was the exact opposite of 'less'... I then ported to Trench of Trials to the Karavan teleport altar, in hopes of finding a spot where I could harvest and exercise my prime roots foraging. Guess what I saw when I arrived? Cutes right on TOP of the frikkin altar! Any direction I might want to go, there they were, ready to nail me!

Now, the last patch messed me over by making it necessary to be at the stable where your packer is housed in order to access it; I tend to forage near Dyron and Thesos, with one packer in Pyr and one in Thesos, but I've since freed the Pyr packer and purchased another in Thesos so that I'd have more storage near where I harvest the most.

So, you wonder the reason behind the title of this post? Simply this; why, with EVERY GOD**** PATCH, do the devs have to find NEW WAYS OF SCREWING US OVER??? This damn game is getting less and less fun with EACH AND EVERY FRIKKIN PATCH! Now, this isn't an "I quit" post, because I still love the game and want to see it succeed, but HEAR ME, DEVS, MY PATIENCE IS WEARING ****ING THIN!!! STOP SCREWING US OVER, GOD******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Kityara, not fighting, not foraging, not crafting, not having any fun right now...
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by aelvana »

ichigono wrote:Cutes right on TOP of the frikkin altar! Any direction I might want to go, there they were, ready to nail me!
These are seasonal and have been in game all along -- when I first got the teleport weeks ago, I had to runspeed/melee aura and dash for the altar to get it :)
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by ichigono »

aelvana wrote:These are seasonal and have been in game all along -- when I first got the teleport weeks ago, I had to runspeed/melee aura and dash for the altar to get it :)
Ok, that's fine, but the Fyros mobs are hitting twice as hard now, and there's a ton more of them, and near as I can tell, the season has NOT changed... I'm not the only one who's noticed a marked increase in mobs, and not just in fyros, either. Not to mention there were a LOT of cutes at that altar, not just a handful... There are a lot of folks pissed off about this, when the patch notes said we'd encounter LESS tribes and fauna... bull****!
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by syneris »

Kit, should i even bother to log in?
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by cerest »

Here is my post in another thread about the same issue:

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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by ichigono »

syneris wrote:Kit, should i even bother to log in?
I'm not. On top of all that, I ran into the bug where you can't get stuff from your packer. My patience ran out, so I logged. From what I heard from guildmates, the mobs are hitting twice as hard as they did yesterday, reminiscent of Patch 1...
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by ichigono »

cerest wrote:Here is my post in another thread about the same issue:

Thanks for checking into this, Cerest. At present, I'm too angry to log back in, so I'm obviously not thinking straight, and I think I'm not the only one.
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by aelvana »

I didn't mean literally. Seasonal is a figure of speech, as in twice they were there that I remember, other times not.

Aside from those cutes, the mob density in ToT has DEFINITELY been upped. It's very very aggro thich now in general, and used to be a free ride.
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by oddie »

I dunno, I not trying to be disrespectful of your woes, but if you can not ride the waves of these patches, maybe ryzom is not for you.

Maybe you need to wait till game, if ever, is more fully developed. Me, I dont always like what patches do, but am not about to get SO STRESSED ABOUT IT.............

I would rather wait and see, or find ways around it.

one thing that is true for me is regardless of any one person's position on a patch, i have found that i can continue to play and have fun.

The only thing that stresses me out in the least is all the people YELLING that WE ARE GETTING SCREWED or I DONT THINK THIS IS FAIR I AM LEAVING.

This is the only thing that alarms me, cause i dont want people to leave, I want em to stay, this is a fun game and if a patch upsets your wagon, well, if I can i will help you, but more then likely you are higher lvl then me....

Anyway, i hate to see you so stressed, maybe forum helps you vent, i hope so.............but my best suggestion would be, and this is if you want to stick around and play, to TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT!!!! and you know better then me what would be different for you. Cause i will tell you change is always constant, till the day you die and well then most times your corpse rots in the grave................

Me i like the way that John Stienbeck put it weather is for men, climate is for wimps
One day I will have it all
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Re: WHY?!?!?!?!??!??!!?? (Patch 27 woes)

Post by ichigono »

I haven't gone yelling and screaming at every patch, because it seemed that even with the changes being made, I could still play. But, this little tantrum has been a long time in coming, because in every single patch, it seems to me, there has been SOMETHING to get upset about. And in this case, the thing I found was in DIRECT OPPOSITION to what the patch notes said, which not only leaves me feeling angry, it also leaves me feeling betrayed, like we've been LIED TO. It is this feeling of betrayal which prompted this whole tirade more than anything else. I'm tired of getting the shaft from the devs in every single patch, and I've been as patient as I can be, but I am only human, and there's only so much I can take before I just snap.

*sigh* Maybe I should go back to playing Diablo 2, as big a pain in the ass as that is, not to mention repetitive... this game is becoming less and less fun for me, which is truly breaking my heart.
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