(This guide is posted to help newbies, it is from another post to help Cygar. Please Devs leave this guide up to help the Questions Forum. If you need only one copy link the Cygar post to here instead. Thanks)
(If you find this guide useful you may find my other guide useful on the User Interface entitled "Quick Tips to Ryzom UI for Noobs". You may find that guide post at http://www.ryzom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7155)
First, for reference, here is a chart at a Ryzom Fansite, that will give you the background you need once you read the rest of my post here.
The page is:
Florilege is mostly a french site, but it has a language choice for english as well. Now to the explanations.
Ryzom is a bit different than other MMORPGs for targeting information. So try and bear with me for a second.
First, there are two places in the game where targetting information is displaced. There is a window, usually controlled by the default "T" key, called the Targetting Window and then there is the information that you have displayed in in the view screen itself, that is above the creatures head and by the color of the targetting bracket around his body when you select him.
It sounds to me as if you were looking for the stars to be displayed around his body, but that information is not displayed there. It is displayed in the Targetting Window (the toggle for that by default is the "T" key, I believe).
Let me now explain to you a little bit about how you can determine if the enemy is too tough for you or not. Again, Ryzom does this very differently from other MMORPG games, using a rather different "consideration" system or "con" method. When people say what does that mob (mobile npc or monster) "con" to you. They are asking if it is about your level , higher , etc, usually shown by a color code in other games.
Ryzom does this differntly. Let's take the surefire method that you must learn but that seems strange at first.
Bring up that Targetting Window if it is not already up on your screen. If "T" does not bring it up, then try hitting the "K" key for the Keys Window. There you can find the key for Show/Hide Targetting Window under the Windows Section of the keys listed, probably half way down. If for some reason that Show/Hide Targetting Window line isn't at all there, don't fret, you can still go ahead and click on New Key at the top of this "K" key window, look for Show/Hide Targetting Window and then it will prompt you for a key you want to bring it up. You can do this for any of the listed functions if they aren't already listed on the Keys Windows output. If the line is already there, you just can click on it or right click, I forget, and then change the keys that work that line. Simple. Ok let's get back to using the Target Window for information.
The Targetting Window should list three things, from my memory. First it shows the hit bar, but probably you also have the same over the animal itself. Second, it shows the name of the animal you targetted. These animal names consist of a Prefix and a Type. You will also see a number of golden stars, from 1 to 5 I believe is the highest.
Ok, first the stars. In each region of the world there may be up to 5 levels of one type of animal, say a Yubo breed. If it has only 1 star it is the lowest of that breed in that region. If it has two stars, it's a bit tougher, up to a max of five. But this only tells you it's difficulty amongst that breed of animal in that region.
The Prefixes are more accurate. Herbivores (vegetarians) use one set of prefixes. While Predators (meat eaters that usually hunt for prey, including you) use another set of prefixes. The prefixes each correspond to a level of the type animal. (This is a slight simplification, flying animals like Fledgling Izam is 1 star, Lesser 2 star in the newbie lands region).
In the Newbie Islands, you will find Yubos. The weakest Yubo is a Suckling, because that's the lowest vegetarian prefix. Notice that if you find another vegetarian (herbivore is more accurate) it will likewise be called Suckling, such as the weakest Capryni, looks like a Moose in Fyros land.
The next level up is Weanling for herbivores like the Yubo. There are lots of Weanling Capryni and they are at least twice as tough as Suckling Capryni, for example, same with the Yubos.
Ok, now some notes of importance. In general for the same prefix Yubos are easier than Capryni. A Suckling Yubo will almost always be easier to take down than a Suckling Capryni. In other words, each breed has it's own capabilities or difficulty.
Ok, now the prefixes for predators. The lowest prefix for a predator is Weenie (not the possible confusion with Weanling which is the two star Herbivore, causes a lot of problems). Goaris and Gingos are examples of predators in the Fyros newbie lands. The weakest Gingo is the Weenie Gingo, the next toughest has two stars next to it in the newbie lands, and is called Puny Gingo. Same for Goaris, Weenie Goari is the weakest, then comes Puny.
Ok, so now comparing the species for raw difficulty so that you have a basic plan if in the Fyros newbie land. Remember there are some other animals in the other newbie lands, but the rules for prefixes and stars are the same.
Basically, from my experience, this is the range from easiest animall to toughest to take on, however note that predators are aggressive and will attack you if near enough so I put a (P) next to their names:
Izam/Yber--(weakest is called Fledgling = 1 star, Lesser = 2 star, flying prefixes)
Gingo (P)
Goari (P)
Kipee (weakest Kitin. Kitins usually aggro, Weeny doesn't, still king of hill)
(Yber is Trykerland flyer, Izam if Fyros flyer, they seem very similar for this guide -- thanks to Sprite for his correction there).
The Weeny Kipee is tougher to beat than the Puny Goari or the Puny Gingo, that's my opinion. But the truth is each has their own strengths and weaknesses.
So some comments now on them as tips.
Yubo are the easiest, they don't help each other, they only fight back to defend themselves. Kick their butts to kingdom come, start with Sucklings, Weanling Yubos CAN defeat you when you begin. Yubos can attack you with some sort of spell that is either a minor stun or a minor reduction to your ability to dodge. So the fights can occasionally go less well than you like if they get really lucky.
Izam in Fyros newbieland (or Yber in Tryker newbieland the flying equivalent, I'm not sure the exact spelling, but they fly and look like large terns or whitish pteranadons, just think birds or emaciated pelicans). They fly, they can be tough, they do not attack unless attacked. I don't recall what their special attack is, probably slow you swing speed if they get lucky They are probably tougher than the same Yubo but weaker than the Capryni. Still early on I had a lot of deaths to Izam. I'd say they belong right here. They are resistant to one spell or another, in their case I think it is the Fear spell, but I can't recall for sure.
Capryni look like Moose, they don't scatter as easily when attacked by Gingo (wolf types). In fact, a Weanling Capryni (2 star Moose) can, one on one, take down a Puny Gingo (2-star wolf) pretty often. Capryni also are immune to the spell root, so if you cast, you can't depend on that to help you out. They are brutes, tough in hand to hand melee, just like a Moose.
Gingos are like wolves. They roam, both solo and in packs of 2-4. They aggro on you. They have a blinding attack when in melee with you. It makes you miss a lot and seeming to be unable, I think, to do actions well or a lot. It also chokes the view with thick brown dust, hard to know if another Gingo just joined into the fight, which often they seem to do. I don't truly believe that the Gingos IN THE NEWBIE LANDS actually call for help, but they are so often in packs and so often near each other that it seems so. Keep in mind that on the Mainland, they probably do call their friends for help. Either way be ready to pull from a distance if solo with a spell , ranged weapon, or taunt, or expect another gingo to "add" (join the fight to kick your arse). Often a Weenie Gingos (1 star) intermix with Puny Gingos (2 stars) which are about twice as tough. So keep an eye out, like wolves , their are alpha wolves around tougher and meaner.
Goari look like large White Crabs. They are predators, you can watch them often attacking the Izam, which are flying types, looking like some sort of combination bird/pterandon in white and light blue. Goari have a lightning attack when close to you, they often use it. I am not sure if it does any stun, I think it does not.
Kipee are I believe the lowest of the Kitin. Kitin are the ones who made us refugees, coming out from the underground of the Prime Roots and nearly destroying all civilization. They are our mortal enemies, or so it seems at least. The Kitins have an actual STRATEGIC CAMPAIGN artificial intelligence. But that is for the mainland, just keep that in mind. The Weenie Kipee may be only 1 star in the newbie lands and only a Weenie, but he's Kipee through and through. That means he can probably kick the butt of any Puny out there and then some. He has a stun attack up close. Your lucky with the Weeny, he will not "aggro" on you. It means he won't attack you on sight if you get close enough. He's one of the few Kitin who won't. Also don't expect him , necessarily, to be as kind on the Mainland. That holds for all these animals on the Mainland, even with same prefix, just in case expect worse there. The Weenie Kipee I think hits for at least 120 hit pts a pop and I think I was wearing heavy armor then, although I was only like a Level 12 in fight. Not a bad idea to take a healer with your or friends. The good news is that they will roar to warn you off, bellowing with pride that they are the top of the evolutionary heap in the Newbie lands. With his stun attack and his high hit per swing he's tough, especially because like the other crab type, the Goari, he runs fast as heck. He looks like a slightly bigger Goari, but is mostly brown in coloration. Good news is you can take them on one at a time, since the other Kipees will not attack you. You can't pull that off attacking Goaris, since other Goaris may jump you mid fight if you don't get them away from the pack.
What else? Hmm. Ok the other targetting info is in the actual targetting bracket that surrounds the selected target . You'll see his healthbar there for sure. But the other thing SUPPOSEDLY is that the targetting brackets also have a color to them, the ones right around his body. But I don't know the color code, the color is hard to tell from range anyway, so it's best to go with stars, prefixes, and breed. You learn by experience, what can I say.
One final note that may interest you but I have not tried it on the animals only on myself. The Interface has an Options Window (default is "U" key). Somewhere in the sub-menus (click on the + key to get the submenus of each topic) you will find Interface Options. In there you can actually decide what you want to show over your head, over the head of the animals, other players, etc. There may be a way to show more info right over the animal's head, but I didn't look for that. So check it out.
I hope this helps you. I think I'm going to post a copy of this as a guide in the Registered forums and maybe the Guest-Visitor's forum, although my last guide on the User Interface seems to have vanished, so I can't be sure it will stay there.
Good hunting in game.
(There is intentional simplification here. This is a newbie guide for newbies written by an experienced newbie. See the Fan site link above to get a better picture of prefixes in the mainland. Prefixes work the same but they are different for Flying, Ground Predator, Ground Herbivore, Kitin, Goo Infected ... etc. The theory is the same and the guide is free.)
Guide to Newbieland Wildlife Target Info
Guide to Newbieland Wildlife Target Info
Last edited by hubba1 on Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added link, corrected Ibar to Izam per Sprite's help
Reason: Added link, corrected Ibar to Izam per Sprite's help
Re: Guide to Newbieland Wildlife Target Info
The flying things you call Ybar or Ibar are called Izam in Fyros n00blands unless they have changed it since retail.
People should be aware that on the mainland, the prefixes get a bit more complex as some species of kitin have different sets of prexies to others (eg kipee and goari have different types) and also you can get different sets of prefixes in the same species (eg again kipee have two or three different sets...)
People should be aware that on the mainland, the prefixes get a bit more complex as some species of kitin have different sets of prexies to others (eg kipee and goari have different types) and also you can get different sets of prefixes in the same species (eg again kipee have two or three different sets...)
Re: Guide to Newbieland Wildlife Target Info
Sprite, thanks for the correction. Yes I played Tryker first and I must have confused the two. I'll edit the post, thanks much.
My guide is written from a newbie perspective. I'm still on the free trial, I just got tired of the repetitive posts and seeing so many wanted to play the game and remain frustrated.
My intention is not to be perfect in every detail but to provide a "way of looking at things." Sometimes I succeed , sometimes I fail. My hope is that I can somehow help a newbie to "get" Ryzom. Not to like it necessarily or stay with it, but to be able to understand it so that if they stay with it they can have a higher fun to effort ratio.
Thanks again for the feedback and correction.
My guide is written from a newbie perspective. I'm still on the free trial, I just got tired of the repetitive posts and seeing so many wanted to play the game and remain frustrated.
My intention is not to be perfect in every detail but to provide a "way of looking at things." Sometimes I succeed , sometimes I fail. My hope is that I can somehow help a newbie to "get" Ryzom. Not to like it necessarily or stay with it, but to be able to understand it so that if they stay with it they can have a higher fun to effort ratio.
Thanks again for the feedback and correction.
Re: Guide to Newbieland Wildlife Target Info
no problem