k i put a few suggestions in for packers today here are what they are
1, packers dont get attacked, if you die and respawn they respawn with you, i mean why should they get attacked anyway there just animals we have tamed to carry our stuff and they have done nothing to the mob that kills you. make them so they cant be used to heal bomb yourself too i think this has alrdy been done anyway
2 if packers still have to die make it so they dont die permenantly they just get moved to the nearest stable where you have to pay say 20k for them to be healed but for this to work theyd need to be stronger than they are now or maybe equipable with armour so they can take hits
3, make them so they level up with you or make them differ in strength depending on the lvl of your highest skill the same kinda way dp is worked on your highest skill so could the packers ability to take hits of that lvl mob
your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
I think you should at least be able to take packers with you when you teleport or use a portal.
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
The above is my prefered option.helbreat wrote: 1, packers dont get attacked, if you die and respawn they respawn with you, i mean why should they get attacked anyway there just animals we have tamed to carry our stuff and they have done nothing to the mob that kills you. make them so they cant be used to heal bomb yourself too i think this has alrdy been done anyway
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
I like them as they are now, provided they havnt spawned in the wrong land as some ppls has, u should only be able to access packer from the stable u last left it at. So says basic physics 

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Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Increase either the number of packers you can have or the amount of stuff you can put in it.
The former is the most preferred.
The former is the most preferred.
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
I have no objections - to only one stable.kibsword wrote:I like them as they are now, provided they havnt spawned in the wrong land as some ppls has, u should only be able to access packer from the stable u last left it at. So says basic physics![]()
But when you basically can't take them anywhere - for fear of them dying to a gas cloud or aggro beastie. It does kinda it a warehouse as someone else has suggested.
You used to be able to call you packer from anywhere in the region. Last time I had my packer out of the stables I was lucky if it would come to me if I stood 10m away from it.
You used to be able to spawn with your packers - this no longer happens
You used to be able to heal you packer - this was removed to prevent 'bomb' abuse, bomb now does not effect caster either so a double wammy on this one.
You used to be able to access a stabled packer inv any where with in town if stabled in the stables in that town - this was removed.
You can still take you packer through a portal if it is right next to you when you port.
You have never been able to Teleport with a packer.
You never used to be able to free a packer if it had stuff on it, you can now as this is what happened to my friend BorgUK.
You should be able to trade a packer with stuff on it - I think this is still true.
Packers used to come in quality lvls they are all lvl 1 now.
They don't get any stronger and if they die they disappear after 6 days.
When dead they can be set free - be careful it may decide to free a random mule from you list.
The above are the current 'facts' that I know about packers.
I just wanted to state my understanding of way the work at the moment.
I to had all my packers moved to Fair Haven, I was lucky I had bought one in each town and if I could be bothered I could easily move them back to the home town with out any trouble. I feel for those who have had their packers move to a different land you are not as 'lucky' as I have been.
If anything above is wrong or has changed in Version 26, please let me know. I haven't moved my packers from their home in FH stables for well over a month .... and I haven't had chance to test them since the new version.
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
unable to trade packers with other players at all now it seems o.0
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Well, as it is now, if nothing happens to make you able to more secure transport your packer through terrain is to lower the ticket costs...
TP:ing here and there to dump mats or get armor. The patch has like doubled or even trippled the teleporting needed on a daily use..
TP:ing here and there to dump mats or get armor. The patch has like doubled or even trippled the teleporting needed on a daily use..
Officer of DOA
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Officer of DOA
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Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Mektoubs as they stand now: my worst NIGHTMARE!!!
Victim of the circumstances:
Im playing in Matys,
at first patch we were supposed to be sent back to our home lands to reset skills but last minute problem arrived: we spawned to the closest capital...
I was in fyros at that time and I spawned in Pyr
So far, its ok, i dont wander too much with them anyway..just used to Tp to the city I had ticket for and here we go...
Now, cant access my mats in Matys..
Got to go to Fyros tp each time..
..... bad news...
I just hope i will never forget to re-buy my two fyros ticket :
I can't imagine myself walking from Yrk to Fyros to put some mats in my packers.....
Victim of the circumstances:
Im playing in Matys,
at first patch we were supposed to be sent back to our home lands to reset skills but last minute problem arrived: we spawned to the closest capital...
I was in fyros at that time and I spawned in Pyr
So far, its ok, i dont wander too much with them anyway..just used to Tp to the city I had ticket for and here we go...
Now, cant access my mats in Matys..
Got to go to Fyros tp each time..
..... bad news...
I just hope i will never forget to re-buy my two fyros ticket :
I can't imagine myself walking from Yrk to Fyros to put some mats in my packers.....

Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
I agree to most of the above.
If a packer should be able to tp with you, you might need a packer ticket too though
I really like the idea with armor to the packers (a new crafting branch
The ammount a packer can carry is riddicilous compared to what your bag can contain. The bag is 300 bulk, and the packer is (only) 200 bulk more?? I would say that a packer should be able to carry at least 3 times (or more) the ammount of a 'human'.
Making the packer level along with you seems like a good idea. But it would not be fair if the packer leveled up while standing in the stable.
If a packer should be able to raise in level, then you would have to bring it with you (you wont gain any experience in life, by standing at the same spot forever).
As a harvester I see the packer as one of my biggest tools, and I hate the fact that I have to teleport often from my harvest spots to the stables to empty my bags. If the packer was able to join me, it would be more usefull as a packer. As it is now, it is only a storeroom.
If a packer should be able to tp with you, you might need a packer ticket too though

I really like the idea with armor to the packers (a new crafting branch

The ammount a packer can carry is riddicilous compared to what your bag can contain. The bag is 300 bulk, and the packer is (only) 200 bulk more?? I would say that a packer should be able to carry at least 3 times (or more) the ammount of a 'human'.
Making the packer level along with you seems like a good idea. But it would not be fair if the packer leveled up while standing in the stable.
If a packer should be able to raise in level, then you would have to bring it with you (you wont gain any experience in life, by standing at the same spot forever).
As a harvester I see the packer as one of my biggest tools, and I hate the fact that I have to teleport often from my harvest spots to the stables to empty my bags. If the packer was able to join me, it would be more usefull as a packer. As it is now, it is only a storeroom.
Razz - Harvester - Phaedrea's Tears The Tears Forum
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and although joyful, wept, for such was the warmth of her heart for all Matis kind"