I'd like to say a *big* thank you to Zella for organising the trip, and also to everyone who came along, and everyone who helped along the way

That was pretty darn difficult!
It was great to see some old friends from Open Beta, and also to be involved with such a big group effort.
I'm also saddened by that Lien - I didn't realise you'd crashed either (you were in a different team), and for quite a while we were close together in the group

Please don't quit because of this - I, for one, would be prepared to the make the trip again when I have the time, especially to help a fellow Zorai make her journey
Also quite nice was the mix of race in the group - thanks to all the Trykers for allowing us big furry things along, and thanks to Razz the Matis guide for steering us to Yrkanis!
These trips should be happening every week - not always the same peeps tho, unless they really enjoy it obviously
@Xipe - I hope that's a joke, I wouldn't expect that from you

Lien may be in your guild, but that doesn't mean she can't travel with other big groups

In fact if this is what your members get for doing just that, I say she's better off with another guild?
p.s. Zella you are *damn* cute