It says that we will have to complete "ritual missions" to get access to the information that goes in the encyclopedia... I hope these aren't going to be "kill this, craft that, harvest something else" kind of missions because this is rewarding high strength/skill/other-type-of-skill with knowledge, instead of rewarding knowledge/intelligence/problem solving with knowledge.Ritual missions open way to encyclopedic knowledge
In accordance with the convention of Pyr, a bill has been passed to permit the Fellows of the Knowledge Keepers to pass on the articles of history and of learning to the worthy.
A few details :
The knowledge of the encyclopedia is held by a number of key characters around the new world. They guard the knowledge closely, divulging it only to the deserving and the eligible.
In order to gain access to a new article homins must prove their worthiness by accomplishing a ritual mission. To take on a ritual mission homins must first prove themselves by completing the set of associated ritual tasks. These tasks are given by the characters around and about who have ties with the knowledge keeper.
The encyclopedia is composed of a number of albums, each of which contains a number of articles. The very existence of each album is only revealed to the knowledge-hungry homin when the first of the ritual tasks for the first of the articles has been accomplished.
Granted having a quiz to get the encyclopedia entries would be boring for most people and probably quite hard to implement, as would having a guide sitting around all day asking people questions to see if they are "worthy" to be told something special; but still I think it may turn out to be a bit odd, with the high level people automatically becoming the people with the greatest knowledge of Atys, and I don't think this should be the case. For example yesterday Supernovae and I spent some time around the weird totem poles to the north of Pyr and got some interesting cryptic statements out of a guide, and we are both about level 50ish... not that high at all.
*Off topic* This was before we persuaded them to bring another guide over for who knows where just to tell us two a story because we had both missed the events... and people say the guides are unfriendly