Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp [b]in the prime roots[/b]

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Open pvp in PR, give your opinion!

Great! When can I start killing other players indescriminantly?
I'm looking forward to some added excitement in my harvesting.
Doesn't matter to me.
I'm not overly fond of open-pvp, so I'd avoid the roots.
Good bye SoR, I abhor open style pvp period.
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Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp [b]in the prime roots[/b]

Post by zzeii »

With the possible implimentation of open 'free fire' pvp in the prime roots, how does it affect your gameplay.
Last edited by zzeii on Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by pcheez »


that is what ruined diablo2 and lineage2.

It will NOT ruin SoR however, as these crowds do not exist in ryzom afaik.

my 1.2 pence :)
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by xcomvic »

I dont know about RPKing but most definitely PvP, GvG, if we are RIVALs in anyway.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by hklown »

eh, personally, I really don't care, as long as you open PvPers dont turn into total super "l33t kiddies" that get kicks from ganking unsuspecting people. If you can respect other peoples wishes to remain out of the PvP system, then power to ya :)

eh, just my 5.14382 lira :)
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by kisedd »

Open PvP to my mind mean a constant state of open warfare. I just think its a bad use of a games small resources. How much of the landmass of DaoC was wasted on their PvP zones. 90% of all battles took places in one zone for all my time there. Once in awhile battles would rage in other areas, but that was so seldom.

Battles should have an ebb and flow. I'd much rather see PvP have real meaning, than just open warfare for bragging rites.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by zumwalt »

Zzei, I have linked your poll to all of the other server communities general forums thread.

Maybe, the oppinions of the players based on there experiences in MMORPG's and PvP will effect the long run of what the devs do.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by balsalt »

Hmmm the Great When can I start killing players indescriminately line is a perfect example of a biased anti PvP poll. It automatically assumes everyone in favor of it is a ganker, the other positive reaction assumes that harvesters can expect to be attaked automatically.

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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by zzeii »

balsalt wrote:Hmmm the Great When can I start killing players indescriminately line is a perfect example of a biased anti PvP poll. It automatically assumes everyone in favor of it is a ganker, the other positive reaction assumes that harvesters can expect to be attaked automatically.

That is why there is option #2 for those who aren't a ganker, but still fond of open pvp, and why there is an opposite tone in #5 for those who are fully against open pvp in any form. strongly - moderate - indifferent - opposite moderate - opposite strongly. it's how polls generally tend to run.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by helbreat »

sure make it open pk :) why not? :D then make jails too and put people in there when they pk too much.......... hold on ive seen this is a million other games......... *sigh* when will ryzom step forward and be different from all the other games on the market.

i believe this forced pk area will destroy pr foraging and also make people quit where is the option in the votes to sack the devs and let some 10 yr olds take over see if they cant make the game more enjoyable :P
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by zumwalt »

On a side note, if the majority of players say they will avoid the roots, this will undoubtedly have a high impact on what the developers are trying to do with the storyline of the game.

There is really no possible way to implament a PvP area with the current level of safistication of the game.

For the following, obvious reasons.

1) No Raid sized grouping available yet.
2) PvP as stated in Ryzom defintion currently is 1 on 1, in beta when they tried group vs group, you could not heal your group mates.. IE: this is something they didn't or couldn't figure out months ago, and I am not confident they have it figured out now.

Honestly, think about it, as a project manager, I would have my developers work on the raid sized grouping capibilities as a high priority.

Second thing on the list is to enable guild quests to capture outposts and strongholds, allowing them to defend them against other guilds and build physical self defenses in them.

I would also be starting the world building crew on creating more zones.

My graphics crew would be working on more items.

Full blown pvp would not be on the list, atleast not for a few months atleast, maybe around july or august after I have tested the waters.

It just doesn't make sense.
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