prime root harvester

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prime root harvester

Post by qu0zl »

Seeing as it's impossible to get a group anymore what with the server and particularly zora being dead I spend most of my time exploring the prime roots and harvesting them.

My max combat lvl is only 67 elem magic, and the only reason I survive any period of time in the roots is being sneaky.

I don't mind the patrols, I don't mind teh kincher door guards. They're a fun challenge. However after patch 2 if I want to prime root harvest anymore I'll be running the constant risk of being ganked. It's not like you can sneak around human players, you are a big blue dot on their radar.

Plus I'm a low lvl player who likes the challenge of the roots. Gank squads of much higher level than me added sound like they will be pretty un-fun.

Quite worried now that they're about to disable the one fun thing left to me in the game. Why must the Prime roots be forced pk for those who aren't interested in anything but a PvE game?

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Re: prime root harvester

Post by helbreat »

well that does suck alot yes can people loot you if you get pked? id prob just let an explosion kill them or run at a patrol anyway, so they get some dp aswell as me, hit invuln and lead them to some kinchers least youll get the fun of them dying b4 you :D
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Re: prime root harvester

Post by xorte »

having Prime Root as a PvP area is a really stupid idea.

Its the one way to get through to other lands and if if someone was to player kill me after I managed to get past the Kinchers I'd be very very annoyed.

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Re: prime root harvester

Post by helbreat »

xorte wrote:having Prime Root as a PvP area is a really stupid idea.

Its the one way to get through to other lands and if if someone was to player kill me after I managed to get past the Kinchers I'd be very very annoyed.

i suspect we will see patch 1 happen all over again when patch 2 is released as the views of the players on the test server are never listened to people said patch 1 was too messed up to go live on the test server and they just released it anyway look at how many of the people you know dissapeared because of that
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Re: prime root harvester

Post by sark92 »

Oh they realy don't have a clue do they. well i'm getting real tired of paying and playing a game that just keeps screwing the players.

This is the same complaint in a different form as all the others, they just ain't listening, except when it all goes wrong and they start to loose players.
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Re: prime root harvester

Post by drscab »

Apart from the few asses out there (you all know who you are) most people wouldn't atack someone else in PR, cause hell, we all know how tough they are and you don't wanna risk going all the way back by attacking a random person.
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Re: prime root harvester

Post by sark92 »

drscab wrote:Apart from the few asses out there (you all know who you are) most people wouldn't atack someone else in PR, cause hell, we all know how tough they are and you don't wanna risk going all the way back by attacking a random person.
Aye true but I have played enough of these to know never trust anyone in a pvp zone. And there is enough psyco's that would sit all day and wait for a chance to kill and loot another player

Hmm what about what they can loot of u, as u carry all your dappers all the time, they can't take that can they.
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Re: prime root harvester

Post by pcheez »

Good thing about the ryzom community is that they are not bloodthirsty kids that want to Pwn everything in sight. If they are in the PR, they would know the pain that ridding DP can be, and will most probably not attack someone for no reason.
Ryzom needs a PvP area, and the PR is the best area for that.
Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
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Re: prime root harvester

Post by helbreat »

pcheez wrote:Good thing about the ryzom community is that they are not bloodthirsty kids that want to Pwn everything in sight. If they are in the PR, they would know the pain that ridding DP can be, and will most probably not attack someone for no reason.
Ryzom needs a PvP area, and the PR is the best area for that.

why not just have pvp arena's like they do in matis? would surely give you a choice wether you wanted to pvp then if you want to get good mats from pr when this is added youll have no choice when your practicly naked in your focus set digging away and some twat whacks you with his 180q+ weapon tearing you up in 3 hits basicly getting free loot and mats ill be sure to look out for people in pr when this happens as ill prob attack first and ask questions later
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Re: prime root harvester

Post by pcheez »

helbreat wrote:why not just have pvp arena's like they do in matis? would surely give you a choice wether you wanted to pvp then if you want to get good mats from pr when this is added youll have no choice when your practicly naked in your focus set digging away and some twat whacks you with his 180q+ weapon tearing you up in 3 hits basicly getting free loot and mats ill be sure to look out for people in pr when this happens as ill prob attack first and ask questions later
Set your radar to 250 M
When a blue dot appears, stop poking thr ground and gear up. 250 m is plenty of time. Dont attack first, just make it clear that you are not a pushover fight.

And if you cannot defend yourself a bit, you have no business in the PR, not anymore anyway.
Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
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