1. PvP in chapter II.
As part of Chapter II, a part of the PvP has been introduced to Atys, with the rest to follow later.
In addition to PvP duel, challenge and free for all (arena), two new types of PvP have been added to chapter II:
The team & guild based PvP,
The faction based PvP.
The team & guild based PvP :
This PvP takes place in the Prime Roots.
Every player who enters the Prime Roots is involved.
The Prime Roots area is transformed into a more dangerous, almost "free fire" playing area.
Later on, guilds will be able to declare war and take control of areas within the Prime Roots using specific advantages.
The faction based PvP:
This PvP takes place in a single region at the time of an event.
Every player who enters this region must choose a side or remain neutral.
This PvP allows players to participate in conflicts generated by the unfolding of the saga.
Later on, the PvP faction will grant certain titles and rewards to players.
The guiding principles of PvP on Atys:
All five types of PvP follow these principles:
Increase in xp: no gain in xp from the PvP
Death penalty: no xp penalty, but the player characteristics (Hp) drop.
Ranking: At a later date, a ranking of the best players will be introduced.
PvP titles: depending on the ranking, new titles will become available with the ranking system
2. Practical information for testing the PvP:
To connect, users can check in the ATS forum the process to be followed. Players who will be able to access this server are those players who already have access and those who complete the online form on the Ryzom site and who have been selected by the CSR.
The PvP test will take place only in the Prime Roots and Matis please all create Matis characters.
Characters that you create on the test server will have a level of 151. You will have the corresponding number of ability points and the sum of 500,000 dappers.
You will be able to learn your actions from the usual trainers.
For the faction based PvP test, the action will take place in the Matis region.
For the free for all (arena) test, the arena will be located in the Matis region.
More Info about PvP on the ATS
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