Xorte the Melee Warrior

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Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by xorte »

Xorte the Melee Warrior

The dark moon was rising before the burning sky
the last light was fading; it was a good night to die
The trees were gently swaying, dancing in the half light
As Xorte the Melee Warrior prepared himself to fight

The heavy Zorai armour fastened tight to his muscular frame
Xorte ventured forward in search of fortune and fame
Silence filled the night air as he left the cities of intuition
Each step taking him closer to his ultimate mission

Suddenly a piercing ring echoed through the plains
Xorte had drawn his killing sword and death flowed through his veins
A Sprightly Mek was first to die in a purple haze of slaughter
First one, then two, then four then ten non was given quarter

Soon the Meks had been dispatched their bones littered the ground
Carefully he stepped over the debris and looked around
Kazidika, Dilweed and Marster approached to join the fight
Without hesistation they began to kill everything in sight

Igaras met a timely end and gruff timmaries too
Then obstinates and rootings who were affected by the goo
Xortes flaming blade seared through sinew and bone
he had no need for air nor Stamina or God or man alone

Roaring Torbak was soon to follow cut down in twos and threes
And then two deadly kinchers arrived almost bringing Xorte to his knees
But time would tell they were no match for the power of the team
Even when three kinchers spawned their death came swift and mean

The killing drew to a close as the dawn brought out the sun
Xorte sheathed his golden sword and contemplated all he had done
Ten levels had been gained and his mission was complete
Xorte the Melee Warrior had finally found his feet.

Inspired by Kaboom's adventures :)

Last edited by xorte on Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by andreaw »

WOW! That is an awesome poem Xorte, you have a real talent there! You should also post it in the Arispotle Events section. Oblion has started a thread there which has been stickied for poems and stories written by players.

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Re: Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by maroo »

i am flattered...

Very well done. My compliments. We need warriors like you to fight off the evil.
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Re: Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by pcheez »

Very well written. The whipped like cream part threw it off at the end though :( .
Great poem nontheless.

Edit: Did you take out the part where they were whipped like cream ? and replaced it with death came swift and mean ? or was i just imagining the cream part :p ? just wondering
Last edited by pcheez on Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
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Re: Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by thewarcc »

Nice poem dude!
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Re: Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by soulbear »

oooo! that was great! you're good, really good :p

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Re: Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by darpz »

Dyum xorte, u put together a great poem man....i want more!! tell me if i can help be in ur adventures :)

see ya in the guilde (Spectra)
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Re: Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by kibsword »

nice poem, shame its got a zorai element :)
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Re: Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by xorte »

Thanks for all the nice words guys :)
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Re: Xorte the Melee Warrior

Post by xorte »

pcheez wrote:Very well written. The whipped like cream part threw it off at the end though :( .
Great poem nontheless.

Edit: Did you take out the part where they were whipped like cream ? and replaced it with death came swift and mean ? or was i just imagining the cream part :p ? just wondering
heh no you weren't dreaming - I replaced that bit as re-reading it I found it sounded a bit funny. New bit I think fits better. Thanks for your comment which prompted the change :)
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