Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by vin99 »

borg9 wrote:I started by offering the help in a very polite way.

It was thrown back at me.

I lashed out.

Ask anyone who knows me that I am dedicated to helping people in this game.

However, it appears that only others are allowed to get a little frustrated :(

Neun is nice :D helps me out when i help him out :P
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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by xorte »

I think this post is great !
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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by rompador »

Yeah having a look around this board I can see that now.
Think I did a little lashing out of my own. Thanks for the offer.
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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by borg9 »

rompador wrote:Yeah having a look around this board I can see that now.
Think I did a little lashing out of my own. Thanks for the offer.
The start of another Matis and Tryker friendship ....

One day all Homins will at least tolerate each other, maybe even the Karavan & kami could overcome their deferences :P

But thats a 2nd Saga thing :P

Send a tell, If I can help I will be there.

Suggest best plan of action is as follows:

6 Big healers at the following safe zones:

Avendale Portal - LofL side
Outpost - half way point
Lake Sup. Entrance point
Lake Sup Exit point
Outpost - half way to matis portal
Matis portal

1 ferry person - guide peeps from lake entrance to lake exit

1 guide from portal to lake

1 guide from lake to portal


small groups move between each of the safe zones.

If you die and you are in reach of a healer - then wait, when aggro clears healer rez'z the dead.

The idea is to create a firemans chain. This means that if a group dies - we don't lose everyone at once.

If people make it they can keep moving along the chain - this avoids people dying in partol zones.

when you get the spawn, you can return to help others who didn't make it!

The idea is not to have a single group that has a 50/50 chance and has to restart, but to have very small groups making small steps.

The only problem will be if people drag aggro on to the safe zones ... but we have ways of dealing with people like this in Tryker! It has something to do with feeding time and the Hornkan!

If you want to be involved in this post your roll or need of escort. Talk to people ingame that might not read the forums.....

As for a time and place - post the best time for you and we will see if we can get as many people together at one time.

For me ... I will either be on ALL weekend or Not on at all! Depends on a Real Life thing.

One rule - be prepared to LISTEN and have fun!
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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by missylee »

Hey Borg, that's a very good plan!

I am a Matis, but i do have Tryker teleport ticket and i would like to help out.
Plz tell if u need a healer, i would gladly help out!
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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by sx4rlet »

friedel1 wrote:Why escort her back ? the devs created the situation let them sort it .
Even though Loria isnt/wasnt to hard to get accross how many times are people just going to forgive them for not setting inplace some sort of error constraint .

LOL Goffa!

I see you are still fighting the evil devs :)

The GM's warned after the event that the portals would be open for more then 2 hours, but if you didnt went back then, you would be stuck!

So that is why it is a good option to escort her back :)


ps. Neun, if you want some help with the escort, count me in!
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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by friedel1 »

HUGS SX'y im just being me :P .

My opinion of the Devs is actualy a good one :) . My opinion of the GM's is actualy a good one :) . My opinion of the game is actualy a good one and my opinion of most people who play the game is also extremely good :) .

This game is new and people are still finding there feet . Im sure not everyoneone either stayed till the end or noticed the message or maybe even thought about what the message meant ? . I understand the principle of encouraging players to help players but this was aided by the devs so i see it as an exception to the rule .

What i am saying is that 1 individual who is stuck in Tryker land whilst his/her friends play in Matis does what each time they log on waiting for the help people are offering ? a= twidles thumbs .. b = gets frustrated .. c = thinks sod it and quits ... d = thinks wow what a great way to spend some R&R talking to friends i cant play with .

People play these games to have FUN . They are not real life situations that need regimental rules and regs to be abided by . A mistake was made and was helped to be made by the devs who setup the teleports for the event in the first place . Between them and the players that are traped in Tryker what harm is there in getting them back to Matis ? . What harm is there in the GM's escorting those people accross Loria ? .

Remeber not everyone plays with the same out look on the game . For some its a crusade for others its something to play with there friends .

This thread would never have been started and people wouldnt have been any wiser if the GM's had been given more freedom to interprit the rules for the sakes of common sense .


p.s as for the Spawns they were to my knowledge never properly returned . I always had the BB spawn and hadnt done a thing to earn it .
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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by usinuk »

friedel1 wrote: What i am saying is that 1 individual who is stuck in Tryker land whilst his/her friends play in Matis does what each time they log on waiting for the help people are offering ? a= twidles thumbs .. b = gets frustrated .. c = thinks sod it and quits ... d = thinks wow what a great way to spend some R&R talking to friends i cant play with .

People play these games to have FUN . They are not real life situations that need regimental rules and regs to be abided by . A mistake was made and was helped to be made by the devs who setup the teleports for the event in the first place . Between them and the players that are traped in Tryker what harm is there in getting them back to Matis ? . What harm is there in the GM's escorting those people accross Loria ?
Cuts to the heart of the matter. Great post.
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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by p46985 »

Thank you very much everyone for replying to my post and for offering your help :)

I would like to express my gratitude to Sky who has helped Fahlayn to get back to Matis today, she's back home now :)

Ryzom has indeed a wonderful community! :D
Igerua, Trycker
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Re: Can't get back to Matis after the event (to developers)

Post by davewil »

I'm really hoping people don't quite over this - but next time there is an event like this - it would be really cool if you automatically got a ticket back to your races capital city in your inv. as you teleported.

Something needs to be done here - we have guild mates stuck in Tryker and we're not in anyway poweful/strong enough to go help them come home on our own. If this is what happens at events in other territories then only the most 'powerful' or 'hardcore' players are going to bother going. Which is fine for them - but surely not for the game.

Please bring our guildmates home :( . I'll pay for the ticket they should have bought! if they knew they had to.
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