There are bugs that still need to be squashed [Inventory; Disappearing newbie trainers-trapped at trainers] and there are now lag issues that weren't there for much of beta. The first are "fixed" by logging - but still annoying.xixan wrote:(FEEL FREE TO DISCUSS, AGREE OR DISAGREE - THANKS)
The Good:
--Stability/Tech: The game has been very stable and I have encountered much less bugs than in other MMORPG's (don't even get me started on AC2 or Horizons).
Well you can explore newbie isle...lots to look for if you're a harvester and little time spent there if a fighter...xixan wrote: The Bad:
-Content: The game, at least the newbie game (i.e. up to around 30 levels of melee or magic combat) is very very stale. You just run around the outside environment and kill low level mobs. There is not exploring, no dungeons or buildings.
Dunno - I like the animal sounds and the peace and quiet myself - what more noise do you want?xixan wrote: -Sound: Dead boring. I've heard more interesting sounds at the library!!!
Legitimate gripes, but then...what if you oops a plan crafting? or accidently sell all when you wanted to keep that sword you just made and just sell the other ones?xixan wrote: -Crafting interface is too can only make 1 piece at a time...why not have a field that allows you to set the number you want to create? Am i there a way to do this already?
-Selling interface is too cumbersome...takes to long. There should be a drag and drop window or something that allows you to drag all the items you want to sell and then confirm you want to sell those items. As things stand now, you have to sell each item individually and then reconfirm you want to sell each time.
Again, I concede the point, though I am having too much fun harvesting and exploring to worry about quests being implemented yet. maybe when I get to 100th level or so, or decide that I am bored enough to join a guild...xixan wrote: -Quests: The quests are cookie cutter and only consist of killing 'X' amount of a particular animal or gathering X amount of raw materials. There are no epic quests, there are no variations in quests for any of the different races and no quests which have any storyline to them. of the worst aspects of Ryzom
Down time? Actually very little once you learn how to use your skills to proper effect. Maybe a problem if you feel the need to PL - not really needed in this game.xixan wrote: -Combat: Too much down time between mobs.
-equipment/loot: No usuable dropped loot....if you are only interesting in combat and not crafting, than you are nothing more than a worker drone collecting raw materials for crafters. Other than XP, hunting is not rewarding, especially since there are no quests, boss mobs and exploring for new content that makes adventuring more interesting. I have yet to see special loot/equipment, everything is standard issue from crafters. I believe that there is an enchantment system but I have yet to see people selling enchantments.
-Mobs: very little variety on Newbie island....other than Kittin, the mobs are wild beasts types. I would like to see NPC mobs that drop usuable loot.
Loot is better when you LEAVE NEWBIE ISLE. Newbieland is just to get you started! Once you have some experience and learn how to use your skills, move on - there's a lot to see on the mainland - and in the prime roots, if you can get there.
Apartments on mainland as well as mektoub packers. Consignments supposed to be coming soon.xixan wrote: -No player vaults/storage and no NPC consignment vendors.
-No preceivable difference between the races.
Other than looks, why should there be? We are all homins. Then again, they have promised to "fix" that in patch 2 - will lead to griping by people "nerfed" because of their previous choice of race.
Agree, agree, correct - not introduced yet...perhaps dependant upon player events.xixan wrote: -very bad manual with the retail box that contains only bare minimum of info.
-In game description needs to be more detailed and give better descriptions of what stanzas, skills, attributes, materials, and items do.
-No sense yet of what the over arching story line is in this game....maybe it has yet to be introduced or encountered.
I agree - regardless of the problems, this game is FUN. And that's why we play isn't it?xixan wrote: Overview: The game is fun...don't get me wrong. There is something about this game that, even with its issues, makes it interesting. It may be the "new" factor or it may be that its not the same cookie cutter Tolkien rip off. Also, the world and potential story line has a lot going for it. [editted]
For now, this game holds my interest and I believe with improvement, it could be a sleeper hit that provides a much different on-line world than the usual swords and sorcery types of MMORPG's that are coming out (i.e. WoW and EQ2).