Patch Notes for Nov 17th released.

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Re: Patch Notes for Nov 17th released.

Post by hedon »

Gosh you people have problems. Not being an fanboi myself and having my own problems with the way SoR has developed over the last few weeks, I have to admit, that the Crafters-Name-on-Item thing is a very nice feature to have. Would it be better to have an option to remain anonymous with regarding to your crafted items? Well perhaps; it's always good to have an option. Does this pose a serous problem? I don't see why.

Look there are three pillars of gaming styles on which this game works.

Force (Fight and Magic), Exploration (Harvest) and Socializing (Crafting).

Before they brought the NPC-Vendors into the game you had to sell your items through social contact and advertising alone. Even after the activation of the NPC-Vendors, crafters on our servers do a lot of selling through advertising in region chat or personal contact alone. I mean, crafters should be happy to have a broad customer base, shouldn't they? This is the basis for doing business, isn't it. If your not into socializing with other players that is fine, but playing a crafter is perhaps not a really good choice then.

I know no one on our server that has complained about this new feature. Quite on the contrary it is universally welcomed by the community.
Perhaps this is a cultural thing, but if this is the case it makes me really wonder. After all, for us snotty Europeans, America is the land of unlimted capatilism and customer service culture. It seems quite ironic, that of all the communities it is the american community that seemingly has a problem with customers that want to buy their crafted stuff. ;)

Like many have written: if you fell molested by players, there is still the ignore list to use, but generally, I have not encounterd a situation where I was pesked by other players. I you are busy, a simple line like "Sry, not now I'm busy" should be sufficient. That someone is considering the very possibility of getting a tell message from a stranger as rude seems quite sociophobic to me and I really ask myself, why is someone playing an MMO in the first place, when socialising is the key feature of ervery MMO (btw. calling people a 'whore' seems to indicate some social problems on its own). The next stage would be probably a request to be completley anonmyous in this game, better yet to be invisible.
I mean people have names to be identified and be able to be judged on their public actions. Perhaps the names on the crafted items will prevent people from flooding the NPC-Vendors with their craft-leveling garbage. That would be an effect I would very much welcome for example.

Ranna - Server Leanon

EDIT: If want to be sure that no one asks for your stuff use your own version of prohibitive pricing. Just charge so much, that no one will ask you again :p
Last edited by hedon on Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patch Notes for Nov 17th released.

Post by neofuzz »

Oh my ****ing god I thought this was the patch that implemented world peace. Bloody Devs, you disappoint me. :o
Jungle Thug, Ninja Forager, The Kami Champion who took a -164 personal Kami fame hit thx to the Fleeting Gardens fame bug (and cancelled my Ryzom account in protest).
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Re: Patch Notes for Nov 17th released.

Post by danadita »

neofuzz wrote:Oh my ****ing god I thought this was the patch that implemented world peace. Bloody Devs, you disappoint me. :o
LOL - Fuzz, you don't disappoint me. :D
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Re: Patch Notes for Nov 17th released.

Post by Lukati »

Wow. You guys are just freakin' terrible.

I can't think of anything more counter-productive that this inane bickering.

If you're really THAT bothered by incoming text, then I can only imagine how you react to daily life outside of your own house.

IF you've got a problem with the way things are, you have the ability to remain on this thread, cause nothing but trouble... OR!

You can make sure your complaints are brought to Cerest, or any person able to get ahold of the devs and say "Hey, here's someone who isn't so happy, and here's why."

This process should not take damn near 7 pages of aggressively uninteresting BS.

The original topic was "Why are they saying they will do things, and aren't?" Can someone stay focused with me?
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Re: Patch Notes for Nov 17th released.

Post by uncus »

Crafters who don't wish to receive /tells: Don't click the "sell for" box if selling to the vender and stipulate to those whom you do sell to that they not send you /tells. This means you will have no goods on the venders but will have to accept the venders' price for your goods. As in life, anonymity costs.
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Re: Patch Notes for Nov 17th released.

Post by parisg »

On another note:

Vendor Items now show the correct color!
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Re: Patch Notes for Nov 17th released.

Post by zumwalt »

Seems people are misunderstanding the reality of the issue.
Its not that crafters don't really want to have there name advertised, they don't wnat to have forced chat windows POP UP in there FACE while there trying to do stuff.

Say your harvesting Q100+ mats which have a high damage out put if you screw up your care plans.

JoeBlow001 sends you a tell, HEY I saw you made X on market, can you make Y for me? which pops up in your face, takes focus of your screen from your harvest and you screw up changing blocks for your care plan because you now have this /tell right in your face.

JoeBlow002 sends you a tell aslo, then 3 and 4, all these message boxes are popping up, but damn it all your trying to harvest, and now your DEAD why?

Because you couldn't switch your care plans around or see what the heck the harvest looks like because you got idiotic pop up message boxes in your face.

Apparently others don't see this as a problem, not including that your fighting and this occurs, or even crafting since the craft window takes up 3/4 of your screen, and you have to click the X on the /tell window to close it while your trying to craft grind to sell.

This is NOT a social discussion, this is a problem in the dynamics in the game.

Nervax implamented this feature so poorly, that it needs to be removed and reviewed immediately before it causes to much of a problem, it already has caused issues (including to myself).

IF there was a window that I could turn on or off for direct tells (maybe there is one and I haven't found the option yet), this would help.

I as a crafter could turn on the /tell windows when I am fine with /tells to me while I am doing nothing but goofing off, or how about using the mail system for all requests, this way you don't have to worry about it.

Even a window that you can put to the side that shows 'incoming tells' or 'incoming messages' and then you can cypher through there title and tell, that would help clean this up.

While there wasting there time developing neucense items, they could be redirecting wasted programming power to fixing broken content (aka getting booted from apartment after 30 seconds and client crash if you try to enter), or they could be working on implimenting outposts, mabye implamenting more raids to the raid engine.

To me, as a fellow programmer, this feature was not story boarded, poorly thought through, and a waste of someones time, not to mention the players time.

Any monkey can program a poor system, it takes real thought to make a product worth using. You can't just shoot from the hip on a live game without giving it some thought, which is the case here, they shot from the hip, put it in place, and didn't care about the end result.

Here is the steps they SHOULD have gone through to implament this:

Sub A1) Who will use this feature
Sub A2) Why this feature should exist
Sub A3) How the current way the /tell window works
Sub A4) When this will be used
Sub A5) Where the feature will HELP the players

Sub B1) Who will be developing this feature (means they are not fixing problems)
Sub B2) Why they will be developing this instead of fixing bugs
Sub B3) How this will increase the finances of the product
Sub B4) When will they be coding it to completion
Sub B5) Where will the backup code be in case of crappy results and roll back

Sub C1) When is the code complete
Sub C2) Who will test the result
Sub C3) How long will it be in test and quality assurance
Sub C4) Why - no why, just coding
Sub C5) Where is my cofee

D) Impliment
Sub D1) Who will roll it into production
Sub D2) When will it go live
Sub D3) How will we get the live results from the players
Sub D4) Why do the players like or dislike the feature now that it is in place
Sub D5) Where is my Advil

E) Fail-Safe Procedure
Sub E1) Who will roll it back if it goes BAD
Sub E2) When can we roll it back out
Sub E3) How will we back out of the feature if its crap
Sub E4) Why would we roll back, pros' cons'
Sub E5) Where is the list of features so we can scratch this one off

But this one skipped all of this, and it went straight to, look they want it, well a few do, to, I can code it in 5 minutes, to, you done yet?

Followed by, sure lets just put it in place while were at it since it was simple and without thought.

This is the reality of programming from your hip.
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Re: Patch Notes for Nov 17th released.

Post by neofuzz »

LoL This thread just gets funnier. I don't know if some people prefer playing the actual game, or playing the forums like it is the game. I'm putting in a request for free cookies for all of you next patch.
Jungle Thug, Ninja Forager, The Kami Champion who took a -164 personal Kami fame hit thx to the Fleeting Gardens fame bug (and cancelled my Ryzom account in protest).
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