Well, with all this mayhem in ryzom atm, it would be too much to ask the devs for pets. So a simple compromise could be made. Give charas an ability to charm mobs, which would then become their pet, untill the mob is killed. No options like feeding or lvling the pet, just have it follow u and attack on an assist macro. This would allow for new half cooked tactics where your "pet" could act as a meatshield.
just a thought...
Re: Semi-pets
Maybe in chapter 15. But why is everyone insisting on pets so much anyhow? Just pretend one or your guild mate is your pet. You can take turns at it as well.
Tryker Crafter
Q200 Jewels, Q180 armor, Q200 amps crafter and user.
Proud member of [url=evolve.guildportal.com]Evolution[/url]
Tryker Crafter
Q200 Jewels, Q180 armor, Q200 amps crafter and user.
Proud member of [url=evolve.guildportal.com]Evolution[/url]
Re: Semi-pets
I like to tame newbies as pets 

Kibs - High Officer of The New Empire (Arispotle server)
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Kibsy - Silan Alt (Arispotle server)
Avatar by Ema
Master of two, huggler of all!
Kibs' Autolauncher and Ammo shop
Vote for Ryzom on mmorpg.com!
Re: Semi-pets
Lol sky that's a good one 
Igerua: And now its your turn to be a dog my friend I've been in this role for an hour now
Grusper: Shut up, animals don't talk. Follow my command and I'll see if i can feed u well tonight. Look there is a gingo over the hill! Charge! And wait, don't pick up any loot, dogs don't need it

Igerua: And now its your turn to be a dog my friend I've been in this role for an hour now
Grusper: Shut up, animals don't talk. Follow my command and I'll see if i can feed u well tonight. Look there is a gingo over the hill! Charge! And wait, don't pick up any loot, dogs don't need it

Igerua, Trycker
Re: Semi-pets
That's actually a really good Idea, like t, being some kind of high level magic-type person and charming animals to use for you own evil will, MWUAHAHAHAHAAHA!!
But it'll be a while before devs put it in!
But it'll be a while before devs put it in!
And the cactus shall call it stupendiferous!!
Re: Semi-pets
Sky, i guess that is why you always want me around when hunting
Sky, i guess that is why you always want me around when hunting

Re: Semi-pets
This reminds me of a little FBT story.....
I had a friend on follow and he went AFK.
I ran around the cloppers and goari just over kami hill, using him as bait!
I killed any of them that aggro'd him, and returned to FH before he returned from his afk!
It was so funny when he ask about all the you have been attacked messages in the sys-info window. As he thought we had never moved
This could be considered as greifing in the 'retail' version - so I am not advocating this knd of action.
But a afk on follow makes great bait
And is the closest thing to a pet we have atm!
Other games have pets so I guess thats why pets are popular, everyone seems to what this game to be 'just like all the others'
I had a friend on follow and he went AFK.
I ran around the cloppers and goari just over kami hill, using him as bait!
I killed any of them that aggro'd him, and returned to FH before he returned from his afk!
It was so funny when he ask about all the you have been attacked messages in the sys-info window. As he thought we had never moved

This could be considered as greifing in the 'retail' version - so I am not advocating this knd of action.
But a afk on follow makes great bait

And is the closest thing to a pet we have atm!
Other games have pets so I guess thats why pets are popular, everyone seems to what this game to be 'just like all the others'
Re: Semi-pets
yes yes guildmates as pets is fun and all, but u will miss a guildmate when a kincher rips him/her to shreds, u wont miss a yubo....
Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
Re: Semi-pets
pcheez wrote:yes yes guildmates as pets is fun and all, but u will miss a guildmate when a kincher rips him/her to shreds, u wont miss a yubo....
in most cases this is tru (j/k)
but yes yes pets are still on my cool list

think about having a kami as your pet