Where can I find SoR fonts?
Where can I find SoR fonts?
Is there any way I can aquire the various font's used in the SoR banners and wallpapers found both on the site and in the webkits?
Re: Where can I find SoR fonts?
Silly, the fonts are already on your machine!
Ryzom directory->data->fonts
Of course, you'll need to transfer them over to the windows font directory to get them to work (and you have to delete the shotcuts taht are already in the windows font directory to get them to work in photoshop/paintshop/anything else).
Oh, I need to send you and email once the home machine decides to work again.
Ryzom directory->data->fonts
Of course, you'll need to transfer them over to the windows font directory to get them to work (and you have to delete the shotcuts taht are already in the windows font directory to get them to work in photoshop/paintshop/anything else).

Oh, I need to send you and email once the home machine decides to work again.
Re: Where can I find SoR fonts?
There are fonts in the ryzom/data/fonts directory but if you mean the same font like I used for the now useless signature card, (http://www.hometown.aol.com/ttdanadita/images/somacardfnl02.jpg), that one I picked that up at a fan site ... ummmm worldofryzom.com IIRC. It's called inkburro.ttf. I can send it to you if you'd like.