From a Free Trialer to Developers !

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From a Free Trialer to Developers !

Post by alajmi »

Hello everyone,
I took some of my time to send this messege to Developers,Community of SoR, hope you read this and take it in your consideration ..

1- Grahpics,
SoR got an awesome graphics system that what I really call an EYE CANDY, it's amazing, detailed ..
rate : 9/10

2- Sound Effects,
same as graphics, my 1st online game that I leave the sound ON !
rate :9/10

3- Community,
Amature community, freindly, supportive, no aggro managment 12 years kids, you know the meaning of guild on this game WTG The Samsara !
rate :9/10

4- Support,
great humble support, not that aggresive, show off, ignorance GM's on other games, either from GM or Guides, max to get respond is 5 mins but mostly within one mint or less ..
rate: 9/10

5- Housing, Storing,
there'r housing you can purchase to store your items in or to gather with freinds or even build a guild, and if you don't want to buy a house you can buy a storage mount to store your item, unlike some other games that everyone got loads of mules to store his/her items ..
rate: 9/10

6- Explore/Adventure,
SoR got a huge world that most of players don't even know what's in 90% of the world !
rate: 9/10

7- Stability,
you don't know something call "lag" here of course some minor issues occasionaly but nothing to mention, and you can run full "high" graphics with full "high" sound effect and no lag ..
rate: 9/10

8- Events,
Events are enocourgable in SoR, there'r 2 kinds of events I've noticed during my short stay in SoR, one by GM's and the 2nd by Guilds and both of them are fun and entertaining, I've seen couple of events in one week, that other games don't even have something called event or they do live event in every year or something like that ..
rate: 8/10

9- Crafting System,
nice crafting system, I guess most of crafters 'll like SoR crafting system, I can't really go in details as I'm not a crafter but based on other players they said it's enjoyable, reasobale with minor/major issues that a crafter can help with this ..

9- Economy, Loot System,
I don't like the loot system much, I think the loot should contain armor, weapon, rares,potions ..etc that would be enjoyfull instead of mats or body parts that non-craft classes don't care about even crafters need some rares other than mats, and if you worry about crafters you can boost their abilities but change loot ..

on other hand there'r Vendors to sell and to buy from which is a great credit to start a game with, you can sell your loot to Vendors which in most cases rewardable and you can be rich in afew hours hunt, but still I think the loot need addressing again ..

more over it would be great if players have the ability to have their own vendors to show their goods ..

also when you hunt on team, it sounds like who click 1st loot 1st (Ninja) specially when you hunt with others other than your guild, and I don't think calling the name to loot is practical, therefore I guess making the loot rational for team hunt would be great that when your turn comes to loot the corps flash purple or green that a sign to loot ..
rate: 6/10

10- Group/Solo hunt,
SoR incourge team hunt that a lvl 50 can share the same xp with a lvl 150+ and I think that a thing with 2 edges since the xp cap is 3k it would take for ever to a high lvl to lvl, some ppl like to power lvl and some like to team, so I guess making the xp cap 3k is not practical and may discourge others from playing or hunting ..

on other hand solo hunt wont help you alot to gain full xp even if you hunt a mob that 20 lvl above you, and it's hard to kill that mob and it rquire time,energy to hunt em down with all of that not rewardable, so I guess they should look into xp gain system that a player gain a full xp if the mob above your lvl by 10 or so ..
rate: 7/10

11- Races,
all races share the same skills tree, I don't think this fun or encourgable, for example Human melee like Camel melee, I think everyrace should have their own skills, tree, speciality ..

on other hand there'r too much details on trees that I think no one is usuing, therefore I guess it should be more simple and realistic ..
rate: 6/10

12- Mobs/Player Stats,
mobs and player stats are confusing, regarding the mobs you really don't know what you hunting only the star and the color and that not enough, mobs must show lvl and hp and other stats so hunters know what they are dealing with, besdie color and stars are not an indication some lower mob with lower color harder than a mob that got more stars and higher color ..

on other hand there must be an indication to let hunters know what kind of mob is that is it aggro or peacefull ones ..

moreover player stats needed to know what lvl of player,hp, other stats for general information or PvP or team ..
rate: 6/10

13- Aggro System,
oh man in SoR aggro system is mean, some mobs aggro from one killometer, and not that only, all of the mobs follow you till the end of the world they wont stop after a certain destance no they keep following you even 'll come to your home unless you speed buff your self and keep runing for a distance then you receive a messege saying the mob leaves combat ..

I guess aggro system should be reduced to a reasonable one that would encourge adventurer, hunters to hunt,enjoy the time they spending here ..

mobs should leave combat, stop following after a certain destance ..
rate: 6/10

14- Population/Marketing,
I noticed some how low population, not sure what the cause some ppl said patch1 which I don't know about some ppl say lack of content ..

so why not Nervax satisfy their coustmers give them the thing they want, I don't say make everything easy to achive no make it in a balanced way that make their game xp memoriable ..

also I guess they need a marketing campaign inorder to reach as many as much player looking for this kind of games ..

ppl play online games for it's poulation/community otherwise everyoe can play a stand alone game and that's it ..

and if you say it's a new game I can say no, many ppl left as far as I know also lots of online games start with high populations due to reason I mentioned above or other I don't know ..
rate: 6/10

15- Content,
can I say lack of content, yes I can say that, there'r no quests on SoR only some missions that don't even deserve the name missions and not even rewardable, you 'll say it's a new game, I say they should launch the game with at least 10's of them this's not an exuse, if you don't enjoy quests others play games if not most of them for the quests ..

on other hand I know as freinds said there 'll be quests added on coming patchs but I think quests should be there in the begining ..
rate: 6/10

16- Chat System,
due to some what low population, I think the chat system need 2 important channels, one for general chat that allow the whole server to communicate with each others instead of this regional chat that hardly you read someone in one hour, the general channel 'll encourage others to chat, hunt,help,team many usefull things ..

the 2nd one is trade channel that allow players to advertise, buy,sell,auction their goods and of course global ..
rate: 7/10

(Finally) :
I spent lots of time writing this, you may be noticed my English not that much it's not even my 2nd lang but I did my best ..

hope Developers/Community respect the time I spent to write these notes ..

I know some player like this game alot that don't want anynegative notes from others and I respect their point of view, and my post here is for good for better and I hope they respect my point of view ..

You have the right to disagree as I've the right after all it 'll lead for a better soultion ..

SoR got lots of potential, good future but basic things should be addressed in the begining ..

I'm staying for more 2 months or so they deserve the support besdie I like my guild that I would like to spend with them more time ..

these are the notes for time being I'll add more when a thing comes to my mind ..

Thank you for the time you spend to read my post ..
Unseen of The Samsara.
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Re: From a Free Trialer to Developers !

Post by sx4rlet »

Hey Unseen,

Better leave that free trial and get a real account then :-)

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Re: From a Free Trialer to Developers !

Post by p46985 »

Good idea, we always need fresh blood :D
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Re: From a Free Trialer to Developers !

Post by philu »

First of all welcome to Ryzom! :)

A very well written set of notes I think, on the whole. Couple of things I would say though:
alajmi wrote: 9- Economy, Loot System,
I don't like the loot system much, I think the loot should contain armor, weapon, rares,potions ..etc that would be enjoyfull instead of mats or body parts that non-craft classes don't care about even crafters need some rares other than mats, and if you worry about crafters you can boost their abilities but change loot ..
Not sure I agree with mobs dropping armour and potions, that wouldn't be realistic. It's more realistic to gather body parts and then use them. If you are not a crafter you sell them to make money to buy stuff. if you ARE a crafter, you use them to make what you want. Much more realistic I think.

alajmi wrote: also when you hunt on team, it sounds like who click 1st loot 1st (Ninja) specially when you hunt with others other than your guild, and I don't think calling the name to loot is practical, therefore I guess making the loot rational for team hunt would be great that when your turn comes to loot the corps flash purple or green that a sign to loot ..
rate: 6/10
I strongly agree with this one. Some sort of team loot system would be very good. It can be frustrating when one of your team keeps getting all the loot because they get there first or have a faster connection.

alajmi wrote: 11- Races,
all races share the same skills tree, I don't think this fun or encourgable, for example Human melee like Camel melee, I think everyrace should have their own skills, tree, speciality ..
Actually I believe that the skill trees do diverge for each race at higher levels. Not majorly but I have been led to believe that, for example, Fyros get fire spells at higher levels.

alajmi wrote: 15- Content,
can I say lack of content, yes I can say that, there'r no quests on SoR only some missions that don't even deserve the name missions and not even rewardable, you 'll say it's a new game, I say they should launch the game with at least 10's of them this's not an exuse, if you don't enjoy quests others play games if not most of them for the quests ..

on other hand I know as freinds said there 'll be quests added on coming patchs but I think quests should be there in the begining ..
rate: 6/10
Yes this is one of the major nitpicks at the moment for many people, but as you say coming soon! Possibly with the next patch.

Hope you enjoy your next couple of months on Atys! :-)
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Re: From a Free Trialer to Developers !

Post by vin99 »

Welcome to atys :D 2 mounths is enough to keep you here i think ;)
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Re: From a Free Trialer to Developers !

Post by lazarus »

I spent lots of time writing this, you may be noticed my English not that much it's not even my 2nd lang but I did my best ..
Hehe, your english is better than many I know for whom it's their first language :-)

Glad to see you're enjoying the game, and it's always good to see feedback from new players.
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Re: From a Free Trialer to Developers !

Post by alajmi »

thank you for your welcome, and my free-trial account 'll be activated as soon as my 14 days trial finish auomaticaly, btw hope we can make it to Tryker someday I left during that journy due to 2 reasons one there was an event in Yrkanis, 2nd due to annoying aggro mobs that 2 teams can't handle beside I noticed some of players that been playing since beta don't know what's aggro mob what's not, some ppl like it this way and most now the ones who like it said it should be like this blindly and they forget that there are new players, others don't like this system and by the end all players 'll know what's an aggro mob and what's peaceful so not sure what the point ..

thank you mate for the welcome and the encourge and yes fresh mean life ..

thank you freind, and thank you for admiring my notes and encourging them ..

1- it seems you afraid from changing the loot sysytem and I agree you have the right as you think this may effect the crafters but look it on another way ..
a- changeing the loot would be more fun really as you don't know what kind of loot you are going to loot, is't armor, weapon, RARE, potions ..
b- changeing the loot 'll encourge ppl to hunt to find items, enchants, rares, tools ..
c- changeing the loot shouldn't effect the crafters and their abilities to craft superb items, the loot can't beat the crafted armor only on certain drops ..
d- changeing the loot add more WOW factor instead of pre-known drops that you positive 100% that this mob 'll drop mats not even you know he 'll drop mats but even the quality of the mats, don't you think kinda boring in some point ..
d- not everyone like to craft even SoR crafting looks uber but some ppl like to fight etc ..

2- you belive that races diver at high lvls which I don't think so, but lets accept your assume don't you think that everyrace should be differ from other races from the beging ..
a- this 'll encourge the players to explore more races, play ..
b- encourge team hunt as some races have ability that others don't have such as buff class, debuffs class .. etc ..
c- give the players a style that like to play some like to be a damage dealer some tanks some healers, some support classes ..

I apprecite it your input as it gave me the chance to talk about, you been consructive ..

hehe thank you mates for welcome, hope to see you in game ..

P.S: it was on my intention to post this topic on the open froums but I noticed lots of hastle, childish reviews there such as as SUXXORS and WoW ROXXORS, I DON'T WANNA PAY for this, while if some mature person think about you agree that we pay for our lunch meal more than we pay for a month on this game but still I'm on the side of ppl who like to pay for something deserve to pay for ..

as I said I'll add more thoughts,points when they ever come to my mind !

my main concern I see lots of loyal players that they spend lots of time to write, preview and I'm sure they know that this time should be spent with family,kids, social but do Developers care, work ?
I know lots on Nervax shoulders and I've feeling they are wroking hard to recover what been lost ..
may be Lawrence or other Moderators enlightin us would be apprecited ..

I apprecite all the inputs thank you all :)
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