I went census-taking on Windermeere. (Is that legal?)
I created 4 new characters in all 4 lands at 6pm EST today.
Matis: 27 in noobland, 32 in Yrkanis region - total 59
Fyros: 12 in noobland, 10 in Pyr region - total 22
Tryker: 21 in noobland, 19 in Fairhaven region - total 40
Zorai: 16 in noobland, 10 in Zora region - total 26
Total counted in census: 147
(No distant regions or prime roots)
6pm Census
Re: 6pm Census
We had 8 Zorans on during that time off hunting ... (out of region) ... none the less this is not reassuring.
Pandorae of Min-Cho, Founder of Comitatus Praetorian
By the strength of one are many made strong.
Windermeer Server
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Re: 6pm Census
Well I know for myself personally I am rarely ever in the main town regions. I think most of my guild even is usually in dyron, thesos, or the roots, not pyr. So really I wouldn't be surprised if the total numbers were double what you figured. Either way, its an interesting study. 

Re: 6pm Census
Let us not forget this is a 6pm EST, thats 3pm on the west coast, 4pm mountain, 5pm central (who might be the only ones most likely to be logging in at this time). I'd say do a 9pm EST check. More reliable.
Poker of things, caster of sparklies, maker of stuff, digger of dirt, wanderer of paths....
Oh yea, and Princess~
Oh yea, and Princess~
Re: 6pm Census
You could double it and the numbers still suck.zzeii wrote:Let us not forget this is a 6pm EST, thats 3pm on the west coast, 4pm mountain, 5pm central (who might be the only ones most likely to be logging in at this time). I'd say do a 9pm EST check. More reliable.
How many people can you reach to accurately team with? not 100%
how many people to craft items you need?
how does this bode for Kami Vs. Karavan PvP?
What were typical populations pre-patch 1?
Former Pilgrim of Atys
Follower of the Kami
Former Pilgrim of Atys
Follower of the Kami
Re: 6pm Census
might be better to do the census at 9 or 10 pm
actually do several actually
one an hour between 6pm and 1 am, i'm guessing the peak will be at 9 or 10 pm
most people are working at 6pm, tho depending on your time zone
actually do several actually
one an hour between 6pm and 1 am, i'm guessing the peak will be at 9 or 10 pm
most people are working at 6pm, tho depending on your time zone
Re: 6pm Census
Most of my guild is always in Thesos. And we see quite a few others come through there. So that could account for maybe 15 or 20 more at times. But yeah, some more people would be really nice.
Re: 6pm Census
I have commented on the futility of taking a Census. In order to do an accurate census you would need:
A rather large guild of players high enough in level to go into the highest level areas known in game (to count those players)
some would have to have two accounts, or be on a voice chat program while this test was being carried out. Either would work, both would likely cost real life cash.
You (the test team) would have to:
Have at least ONE player in every known zone at EXACTLY the same time
And take your numbers at various times of the day and night.
Like Prime time (from roughly 3PM eastern to roughly midnight Pacific) and during the day time...I have played more in the morning hours or day hours than the nights lately, but this is due to my schedule.
ANY attempt to try to take a census by logging on various characters and counting a /who would be pointless and totally inaccurate. Due to a player logging on or off while you were or passing from one region/zone to another, going inside a building or zoning through various building with portals, porting from one region to another or any of a dozen other options that would change the population in ONE area, but not trully change the population of the server.
Even if you tripled your numbers, that would not be the total number of players online.
Are even half of the players in newbie lands? NO. Are even half IN a town region...NO Now if you try the census with the large guild spread out ALL over the planet and manage to do a /who at the exact same time and post the name count (subtracting ANY duplicated names due to zoning from one region to another in the fraction of a second delay between /whos) Then I would be interested in your count.
Until then I will continue to view the Censuses (Censi? oh whatever) as inaccurate and bound to depress some.
A rather large guild of players high enough in level to go into the highest level areas known in game (to count those players)
some would have to have two accounts, or be on a voice chat program while this test was being carried out. Either would work, both would likely cost real life cash.
You (the test team) would have to:
Have at least ONE player in every known zone at EXACTLY the same time
And take your numbers at various times of the day and night.
Like Prime time (from roughly 3PM eastern to roughly midnight Pacific) and during the day time...I have played more in the morning hours or day hours than the nights lately, but this is due to my schedule.
ANY attempt to try to take a census by logging on various characters and counting a /who would be pointless and totally inaccurate. Due to a player logging on or off while you were or passing from one region/zone to another, going inside a building or zoning through various building with portals, porting from one region to another or any of a dozen other options that would change the population in ONE area, but not trully change the population of the server.
Even if you tripled your numbers, that would not be the total number of players online.
Are even half of the players in newbie lands? NO. Are even half IN a town region...NO Now if you try the census with the large guild spread out ALL over the planet and manage to do a /who at the exact same time and post the name count (subtracting ANY duplicated names due to zoning from one region to another in the fraction of a second delay between /whos) Then I would be interested in your count.
Until then I will continue to view the Censuses (Censi? oh whatever) as inaccurate and bound to depress some.
Re: 6pm Census
The FRYOS do not need numbers we are the best in Atys!