colors for craft
colors for craft
I have become a great armor crafter,but i cant seem to find the colors like red,blue,and white when i loot.I want to know what skill in harvest i need to get to harvest mats with these colors.
Re: colors for craft
I don't know why you posted here, anyway:
Red and blue mats start with choice harvest mat, white and black usually hints at supreme roots mat (might be some drops from named mobs as well).
The skills needed are choice (supreme) prospection to actually find them and some trained extraction and/or source care skills will definetly help as well.
Hope that helped
I don't know why you posted here, anyway:
Red and blue mats start with choice harvest mat, white and black usually hints at supreme roots mat (might be some drops from named mobs as well).
The skills needed are choice (supreme) prospection to actually find them and some trained extraction and/or source care skills will definetly help as well.
Hope that helped
┤Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intellegor ulli!├
┤Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intellegor ulli!├
Re: colors for craft
You can also find a materials chart, full with mats colors and screenshoots here: