Above is "the brutal truth about auto-launchers" as you call it. Fine, give us the truth and state it as bluntly as you like.tetra wrote:When someone with no, or amost no experience with the assault weapons... and seemingly very little with ranged weapons, comes in and starts spewing about how amazingly overpowered the assult weapons would be if they were usable... I hold back civility and go with the truth. The brutal fact of the matter is that rifles do about equal damage per shot that a dagger user using enhanced damage except at about 75% the hitrate... launchers and autolaunchers use 12x as many mats per shot, have exponentially higher burden/bulk and have a ROF of 50%. Autolaunchers have an utterly worthless Spray aoe on them, launchers have a bomb AOE, and neither of them have enough damage to even be usable.
However, impugning the character or intelligence of another person is uncalled for, so please don't do it. Thank you.