I'm fairly new, so try not to eat me
Anyway, I read in a few places on forum that I should sell stuff to local suppliers - they are supposed to pay extra for some things . "What do you want to buy" option is still available, but I don't see "trade" or similar anywhere.
local suppliers
Re: local suppliers
As my old Sergeant Major used to say - No such thing as a stupid question
The suppliers in towns have been changed in the last patch and now no longer offer higher prices for certain items. The fact they still have the list is (I believe) a bug. Instead they now offer missions.
There are Hawkers wandering around out of town that will buy stuff from you, but not at special prices. They're more of a way to convert loot to cash without having to go back to town.
The suppliers in towns have been changed in the last patch and now no longer offer higher prices for certain items. The fact they still have the list is (I believe) a bug. Instead they now offer missions.
There are Hawkers wandering around out of town that will buy stuff from you, but not at special prices. They're more of a way to convert loot to cash without having to go back to town.
Call me Legion, for we are many...
Re: local suppliers
Local Suppliers always offered missions as well as trade pre patch. I was told the fact they no longer trade was a bug, and my ticket was passed onto the devs.