Hello everyone !
I am a forum junkie, i've been a forum junkie for 5 years now.
If it wasn't for F.J.A (forum junkies anonymous), I would have lost my job a long time ago, and probably would have been a shut in.
I've been off of forums for 4 months but recently since starting to play Ryzom I have started using the forums again.
Yes, yes i am ashamed.
I have spent hours in the forum waiting...waiting for a forum buddy to make any comment that I can flame. Yes...I have been flaming.
To have lost control of my forum usage again has been a real blow to my life, but once again i'm here to try to straighten myself out.
Please...post with me, help me leave the game designers and forum moderators alone. Help me to just enjoy a game for once without feeling the need to tear away at every patch, event and comment the game designers produce.
Just......help me.
What do you say stand by me and just say No!
Be good to one another and to the peole who are working so hard to make the game fun for all of us.
Say it with me "I AM A FORUM JUNKIE"
Thank you all I hope together we can all lick this affliction.
Re: F.J.A
*sigh* I'll stand with ya, Brother! Amen! Testify, baby!
Yes, I am a forum junkie ... I am ... a friend of Xasher. (not to make fun of Friends of Bill) While I have stayed away from the hard stuff (flaming), I have had a whine or two and posted my displeasure.
Heh - anybody seen my cheese lately? I think somebody moved it! *sob*
And I ain't lickin' nuthin' called "affliction" - I don't want no warts on my tongue! ewwwww
Yes, I am a forum junkie ... I am ... a friend of Xasher. (not to make fun of Friends of Bill) While I have stayed away from the hard stuff (flaming), I have had a whine or two and posted my displeasure.
Heh - anybody seen my cheese lately? I think somebody moved it! *sob*
And I ain't lickin' nuthin' called "affliction" - I don't want no warts on my tongue! ewwwww
Re: F.J.A
I just left my group to go to sleep, and what do I do? CHECK THE FORUMS!