How do I abtain a Refund.

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Re: How do I abtain a Refund.

Post by kisedd »

I subscribed for 3 months. I figure that is a long enough period of time for them to add some content and fix this patch.

I took business law many years ago, so I don't know what the case law is on this type of thing. The EULA's are a good cover your bases clause. Until they are challenged in court, its hard to know how they will hold up. Many times in the US, the we are protected no matter what happens clauses companies add, get tossed out.

As long as the servers stay up and you can play the game, I don't think there is much recourse. As long as Nev, makes a good faith effort to fix the problems with the game, you dont' have much recourse.
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Re: How do I abtain a Refund.

Post by spaero »

Just accept that the track record thus far is not very encouraging and one would not be deemed very wise to invest more than a free subscription at this point. Save your money and pay for a finished product.
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Re: How do I abtain a Refund.

Post by btamilio »

keriann wrote:you can contact international customer care, but that's only for europe, you american aren't tutored in that way. as for europe there is in the works an european office against frauds. it is quite hard to sue them giving the eula for now, but soon those eulas in europe will become illegal as 'they do not tutor the interests of the costumers' it is just some baurecratic time, in few years it will be far more difficult do something like this at least in the european community.
EULAs are fairly rock solid in the US, due to the DMCA.
With love, your Republican Congress.

It's so bad that, technically, you can put a notice on the outside of the box that says "opening this box means you accept the software license agreement enclosed". yes, literally -- you accept the EULA by opening the box before you have even been presented with the EULA.
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Re: How do I abtain a Refund.

Post by stellus »

I'm currently taking a course in law associated with electronic media. I'm no professional on the subject and I have only little knowledge from the ordeal. From what I am currently taking out of the class, EULA's do not hold too much in the court of law. It can be used in the case of the Defense, but it is not set as an official legal document that automatically determines the outcome of the case.

I think the DMCA deals more with the license issued to the customer, but I can't be too sure.
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