It looks like its not impossible to solo past level 100 if you were fortunate enough to exploit blind and the easier combat system to level more than one melee branch past level 100. With all the extra SP's that Zzei has I'm not surprised that she's much better than the average person who up until this point was only able to focus on a single combat area. I remember watching Zzei power up her close combat in resting waters using daggers with blind on them just a couple weeks ago.yy48n19 wrote:Interesting; thanks for the reply, Zzei. So, are you telling us that it is not impossible to solo at lvl 133? I'd like to be clear on that.
Also, Zzei has equipment above and beyond what an average player would be able to acquire.
Frankly, not as a slam, but Zzei is a power gamer. There's nothing wrong with that, but comparing her abilities to that of someone who is a more average player is like comparing a pro athelete to someone who plays intermurals.
I am having almost the opposite situation and here is my stats:
2h-fight: 73
close combat: 72
weapons: ql 80 (sorry i can't get anything better in tryker atm, or atleast i can't find anything) but atleast its max dmg/speed
armor: ql100 (best i can wear, all choice armor)
+600 hp from jewelry
+300 hp from armor
I actually have 90 fight points left to spend but nothing to spend them on

My constitution is a bit higher than a fighter my level would be because my forage skill is very high and I can buy 1 more level of constitution than normal for my situation (hence the ql100 armor).
I cannot defeat anything close to my level over 1/2 the time. I've tried different enemies, different weapons, etc. I just can't do it. The only way I can defeat something is by fighitng things very far below my level.
I had the experience yesterday of having a hard kipee do 800 pts of damage to me (through my ql100 choice heavy armor mind you) and then granting me 39 experience points when it died.
This is using an armor that blocks 162 pts of damage from the kipee's attack and using a weapon that it is not resistant to and using the best melee attack that I have.
Subsequent fights against the hard kipees had them doing 400-500 pts of damage to me on average.
I talked to some people who were lower level than me, and they were having almost identically the same experience. It's as if my extra 15-20 fight levels didn't make a lick of difference in how hard or how often the kipee hit me at all.
The absolute hardest monster I can possibly fight with my current equipment is a scary clopper. They give 1500 xp and I need to use my self heal for each one. They still kill me about 1/2 of the time. So I don't fight them.
I tried to fight a dangerous ragus (900 xp) but he killed me in three hits. I got stunned then 750, 750, 750 = I'm dead.
On the plus side I can beat up ybers for about 300xp. So far thats the only thing I've found that I can defeat on a regular basis without having to worry about collecting more DP.
Also, sadly since forage is now my highest ability... the only way I can work off DP at a reasonable rate is to forage. Which means every time I die in a group or team and do not get a revive, I have to run back to the team and earn off my DP at a lower rate then the people who are specialized more so in combat abilities.
It's not quite an option to say to your team, "Hey guys see you in 15 minutes I need to forage to work off my DP". So instead I sit there and earn almost 1/2 the clearance of my DP than I would normally.
All around it is a very crappy system.