Bug Report: Respawn Points Missing Again

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Bug Report: Respawn Points Missing Again

Post by tinpony »

Not to add to the negativity, just an FYI.

For some players, you may notice your spawn points have gone missing again. This happened to BGrifter and I as we were doing our patented "Dash 'n' Die" through the roots. Went to respawn and... no spawn points.

Moyra was kind enough to point out that if you log out and in, your spawn points will reappear. That is partially true, at least for me. Log out and in and your spawn points reappear for *that zone only*. You haven't lost your points, but if you have that bug, you only have access only to one map's worth each login. If you die in a spawnless zone, you will respawn at your entrance point.

You also do not appear to accumulate any spawn points. I was standing in Zora, I went to MinCho and the Umbra gate and none of the spawn points were added to my map (I had them all along, but at that time, my spawns were only showing on my Fyros map).

Anyway, log out and in in the area you are in to regain your spawn points. I can confirm that they are all still there, just inaccessable without the relog.

The GM says it is a known bug and if you die in a spawnless area, no, they cannot teleport you to be with your friend. ;)

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