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Post by evilek »

the Gm say me don't have the tools and I must send them a ticket, i have sent 3290574396878769456097396739221842039504673 tickets and i don't see NOTHING changed, nothing email who explain me something, anyone who tell me for explains... my tickets are like tears in the rain (Blade runner never dies :P )

.game crash:
before first patch the game crashes only at the enter of Zora, now crashes randomly everywhere 2/3 times in a hour - i have a p4 3000 with 512 ram and a ati radeon 9200 with 256 on board, last direct x, last drivers and the settings for play as well the game find out in this forum by users.
one time the game have crashed in a clear area, i relog and find my character dead, killed by ragus... this meas about 30 mins of my life throw out of the window for erase death penality for a wrong that i don't do it... :/

before patch at lvl 60 and lvl 100 i can gain 3000 xp for extraction because i can extract high quality mats... this was perfect becuase at lvl 60 (for example) i can gain 3000, lvl 61 2940, lvl 62 2890... lvl 99 1000 and it takes about one hour to gain lvl 100...
now after the SECOND patch i can extract at least q 120 (i'm lvl 108 harvester) so my max it's q 120... WELL... when i extract q120 now i gain only 900 xp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 10 extraction only 3 times the quality is the max (120 in this case)... other times is 70/110... it means gains only 500/700 xp... about 2 hours to lvl up from lvl 108 to 109...
a fighter can make a team and gain 3000 xp, an harvester can't... it was RIGHT before patch who an harvester can gains about 3000 xp for few levels... mage and fighter can gains 3000 ALWAYS with a team...

ok now we can extract more resources... woooohwoooohhhh... now the source mode change while you extract... it means who if you drink a coffee or watch tv while you harvesting your character must die (30 mins for erase dp if you're lucky...)... fight or cast spell is funny to watch, watch a character during extractions no... so you before patch can clik on extract rescources see the source mode, look if the mode is 0 or not and wait who character end extraction and at the same time you can do different things in your real life... now you're forced to look the monitor for hours and hours looking at a poor slave who extract minerals... funny????? NO

someone call this CHALLENGE, I call it waste of time... point of views...

i still love this game... but I'm unhappy...
in Eternal love with Xyreen.
member of Ouroboros Nocturna.
I survived patch one and 25 real life years...
episode 2 will be only a big laugh for me :)
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Post by spaasje »

ok, first of all ... i totally disagree with u about the new way of harvesting.

it is true that u can only do yourlvl+10ql, but thats ok for me anyway. about the 900 xp, u have to do something wrong when u get only 900 xp. have u tried the source heal or ground stability? even without them i could get 1500 xp and more. with the ground stability and source heal u can get around 20 or 30 mats from 1 extraction action. Then u will get your 3k xp back.

I think the makers did a great job by changing the whole harvesting thingy. Its more fun to harvest now. Before the patch, u could change mode and wait and wait and wait and then u have 5 or 6 materials. Now it's like, handle the source between your extraction and get 10+ materials.

Good job,
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Post by pcheez »

spaasje wrote:ok, first of all ... i totally disagree with u about the new way of harvesting.

it is true that u can only do yourlvl+10ql, but thats ok for me anyway. about the 900 xp, u have to do something wrong when u get only 900 xp. have u tried the source heal or ground stability? even without them i could get 1500 xp and more. with the ground stability and source heal u can get around 20 or 30 mats from 1 extraction action. Then u will get your 3k xp back.

I think the makers did a great job by changing the whole harvesting thingy. Its more fun to harvest now. Before the patch, u could change mode and wait and wait and wait and then u have 5 or 6 materials. Now it's like, handle the source between your extraction and get 10+ materials.

Good job,

20-30 mats ? do u even harvest :p ?
Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
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Post by sprite »

mage and fighter can gains 3000 ALWAYS with a team...
have you tried it recently? The max xp i can get as a lvl32 mage is just over 1k, soloing against prime izams. When I'm healing a fighter that drops down a bit.
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Post by rushin »

sprite wrote:have you tried it recently? The max xp i can get as a lvl32 mage is just over 1k, soloing against prime izams. When I'm healing a fighter that drops down a bit.

Have you tried sprightly yubo's? at lv52 I get more than 1k...
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Post by krone9 »

as a lvl 86 fighter with a team of 3 others of varying (lower) lvls we could only get 3k by killing lvl 125 creatures. Which typically killed half of us 3 or 4 times in the process - only managed it by running into the water.

Either the team we had isn't as good as it was the day before yesterday or the latest patch has gimped things even more. Now it seems that creatures do the same damage but have the old hit points. I do wonder who is making the decisions behind all of this - perhaps if they actually played the game it might help.
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Post by endasil »

perhaps if they actually played the game it might help.

Remember that these changes have been on a test server with lots of players testing it before it beeing released to us. The changes were apparantly aproved by the testers there. But those who enjoy the test server could be people who enjoys tough challanges more than those on the main server, and therefor they enjoyed the changes more.

Now the patch is released to the public, and people do not like it. Nevrax released another patch soon after that made things a bit easier. Apparantly they listened to the people and acted after that.

Now they are probaly busy thinking of how to change the game to make it tougher than before the patch, but still make it fun to play to as many players as possible.
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Post by endasil »

when i extract q120 now i gain only 900 xp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well leveling was way too fast. It was supposed to take 6 months for a hardcore gamer to max one of the levels, but people leveled up like mad.

The reason your unhappy with this new leveling speed is very likely because you have gotten used to the high speed. :)

If it gets too easy to get to max level, the game will last shorter. If you compare this leveling speed with for example the one in the first asherons call game (have not played 2 for long so i can't say much) it is still very fast. :)

I think that after a month or so, it wont feel bad at all with this leveling speed.
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Post by talktalk »

Ill add to my 2 cents worth to the bit no one else responded to:

Crash - yup with you there, harvesting, leveling nd any other "ing" things is totally immaterial cos the darn game dont stay up long enough to do anything!!

After a lot of updating nd mucking around it was running pukha b4 the patch, but now pfft!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the patch but some answers would be nice to these questions for example:

B4 patch game ok with my Norton Internet Security Firewall but after patch I now have to disable it to even get a connection - so what changed, it certainly wans't my firewall!! Could it be my router?? well that hasn't changed either!! What ports is Ryzom using?? then maybe, I could write a rule!

If all that was changed was gameplay (harvesting, mobs stats etc) why now all the crashes? Surely this would not affect graphics drivers, memory, sound drivers, bios, chipset drivers and the like would it? So what else was in there??

I cannot update any more drivers, there aren't any more lol arghhhhhhh

BTW why do I no long appear in my guild but am able to talk to them on guild chat??? :(
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Post by soulbear »

Crashes is a local problem, talk to a gm ro a guide and it will get sorted out, worked for me. Same with the guild chat :)

Have fun :)

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