So when is the next patch-patch-patch.

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So when is the next patch-patch-patch.

Post by jjm152 »


When is the next patch? Here is a list of things I've personally confirmed that are totalyl screwed up:

1 - Magic resist rates are totally bogus. None of my defensive abilities work on stuff anymore that I can kill with my elemental magic. This means my character went from being a viable solo mage to being a lump of crap over night. Good job there guys, I hate you too.

2 - They increased the mob hit points today, but >didn't decrease the damage< I am still getting WTFPWND by stuff that gives me almost no experience, even in full heavy armor and with 1850 hp's.

3 - Packers are totally borked, sometimes you can put things into them, sometimes you cannot. Either their bulk needs to be raised or the bulk of resource stacks needs to be lowered because right now as it stands 14 pieces of seeds that I use to make 14 little earings has the same bulk as a heavy helmet. That is just plain retarded.

4 - Overseer missions are complete crap now. The payout on them was lowered through the floor. In many cases they actually now pay you >less< dapper than it costs in raw materials to make something. Also, does anyone in their right mind believe I am going to sell 7 ql60 heavy helmets and a ql80 heavy pair of gloves to some dirt digging moron tryker for 44k dapper?

5 - Local suppliers no longer buy stuff, these guys are located in remote places and part of their charm was that they paid a premium for specific items. Now they don't, infact they buy nothing at all so there is no way to sell them >anything< Why? This makes no sense. Why did they screw with this? Was the extra 3k dapper I was getting for selling them a pair of heavy pants destroying the economy?

6 - The duration on blind is now a freaking milisecond which means its completely useless as a solo defensive ability. It's not even that great in a team anymore. I understand that the fact it lowered defense to 0 as well as making the mobs not attack was totally bogus... but for christsake did it need to be turned into yet >another< useless afflicion spell. I'm seriously trying to figure out what afflicion spell is still worth getting... none of them seem to do jack squat.

7 - The stupid new vendors don't even work correctly. They actually don't offer every item up for sale that you post. Why release something that >doesn't work<

8 - The fact that vendors now buy hunted parts for 1/2 price is bogus. There is not a huge demand for kipee guts and what not for grinding purposes, all this is going to do is make people that don't craft poorer. They need that dapper to buy equipment from crafters. Also what are they supposed to do once their for sale item limit is used up because no one is buying their quartered mats? Oh I know... sell everything for 1/2 price to a vendor. Complete idiocy on the part of the developers.

9 - Magic amps.. where to start, where to start... Oh I know, the developers spend ages designing new graphics for magic amps (gloves) and then put them in the game to solve the problem that you cannot get crafting XP for amps.... but of course once they put it in, you STILL DO NOT GET CRAFTING XP FOR AMPS. I must ask myself and everyone else out there this question: Does anyone understand what the purpose is of doing all that work and then *still not fixing the damn original bug*? Anyone? I'm freaking mystified.

You know, I'm not even going to go into other areas of the game like how the link system is completely broken and what a retarded idea it is that "Crowd Control" in ryzom is actually "single mob control". But the above stuff needs to be seriously looked at.

Oh and also for fun, I canceled my account 3 weeks ago before my free period was over and I just found out today that Nevrax charged me for another month anyway. You know I was going to let this thing slide but now I am going to send them a nastygram and call my credit card company. Such level of incompetance across the board from this company totally disgusts me. Not only do they ruin this game (that I was actually thinking about resubbing to, stupid me!) they go and freaking *steal money from me as well*

Seriously, why is anyone still paying for this crap?
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Re: So when is the next patch-patch-patch.

Post by fellgrim »

I'm just glad I reduced my subscription period from 3 months to 1 month before getting charged :)

With this Patch1 fiasco it's unlikely there will be any more months charged on my CC unless Nevrax gets its collective act together.
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Re: So when is the next patch-patch-patch.

Post by svayvti »

2) This has got to be a bug.

3) Some of the horror stories I"ve heard about packers deserve a rollback. They should either selectively or entirely rollback characters for this disaster.

4) Money missions are fairly worthless at higher levels now. I think the problem is the new vendor goods going up to q250.

They really shouldn't have done that. Let the foragers supply mats through vendor resellers up to q250. Really, what is so wrong about that? Then missions can be redone and become meaninful again.

6) Madness is very worth buying. Madness is a self-leveling skill. Make the mobs one-shot kill themselves. Its hilarious... Nevrax will probably nerf madness now instead of fixing mobs.

9) Seriously jacked up. Glad I have a stockpile of pre-patch amps. Then again, I hate the new chicken gloves I'm wearing. I really, really want my wand back instead.
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Re: So when is the next patch-patch-patch.

Post by punishr »

Few quick comments. The outlands suppliers now give missions instead of buying items it seems. With the venders and selling items it seems to work fine for me. 1 thing to note that I bet is effecting you. If your selling a ql150 pike its not goin to be for sale at cheapside market even if thats the vender you listed it with. Its goin to be listed on a 2h malee weapon vender that sells ql150 weapons already. So might wanna check high market in pyr for higher level items, or thesos/dyron for even higher items.
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Re: So when is the next patch-patch-patch.

Post by venjik »

I'm glad I still have my 3 month subscription and I'm keeping it :)
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Re: So when is the next patch-patch-patch.

Post by cam599 »

Taunt is now useless for pulling. The 1-2 free hits the monster gets while it slingshots at you is now 30% of your HP.

Down time is at least 5 times what it was before.

You can no longer run by a dangerous monster then turn to fight him once past the danger zone where his buddies might spawn. The free hits he gets along the way mean death.

No world to explore. lvl 70 Matis warrior stuck in 2 narrow zones with cliffs on each side.

At least it looks like I can restart my crafting. Had to stop a 60 because I didn't want to become a forrager. Now I can buy the ever so rare linnings.
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Re: So when is the next patch-patch-patch.

Post by thanakar »

punishr wrote:Few quick comments. The outlands suppliers now give missions instead of buying items it seems. With the venders and selling items it seems to work fine for me. 1 thing to note that I bet is effecting you. If your selling a ql150 pike its not goin to be for sale at cheapside market even if thats the vender you listed it with. Its goin to be listed on a 2h malee weapon vender that sells ql150 weapons already. So might wanna check high market in pyr for higher level items, or thesos/dyron for even higher items.
THe outland suppliers ALWAYS gave missions (depending on your fame with them) Most of them are just delivery missions.
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