Having been up all night reading the posts and eventually giving up on making comments, not that i was the most professional person in the world. And since i happened to already be on my first month anyway. Tears came to my eyes litterally as the all-powerful Cerest announced the patch. Now if only i can convince my friends to stay, heck someof them didn't even get to experience it.
Here's to Neverax and hope for the furture of Ryzom.
Re: Yay!!!
stellus wrote:It's good news, but I'm worried as to HOW they're going to "fix" it.
Well since I have now mage gloves I can see my character sneezing a lot... that might kill big Zerx from a mile away if they apply the same kind of fix to combat difficulty ... *atcheee* *dead torback* you gain 3.000xp in sneezing
Re: Yay!!!
Hope they are "FINE TUNING" with the meat axe needed to reverse the serious imbalance. I have 1 Day of free play left tomake my decision.
Re: Yay!!!
Too funny...the constant sneezing by the women of Atys has been good for a laugh for a long while now.hivewasp wrote:Well since I have now mage gloves I can see my character sneezing a lot... that might kill big Zerx from a mile away if they apply the same kind of fix to combat difficulty ... *atcheee* *dead torback* you gain 3.000xp in sneezing
Re: Yay!!!
Maybe they are allergic to giant boxing gloves?
Korin - Tryker - Retired
125 2h pierce melee, 105 2h slash melee, 91 lake forage, 55 forest forage, 55 desert forage, 61 prime roots forage, 91 heavy armor craft, 55 light armor craft, 58 medium armor craft, 62 2h melee craft, 52 1h melee craft.
125 2h pierce melee, 105 2h slash melee, 91 lake forage, 55 forest forage, 55 desert forage, 61 prime roots forage, 91 heavy armor craft, 55 light armor craft, 58 medium armor craft, 62 2h melee craft, 52 1h melee craft.
Re: Yay!!!
While things didn't hit me nearly as hard as most yesterday, I think a character rollback to pre-patch is in order. Some of the horror stories of lost packer sets that can't be refunded, that destroys the game for people who had everything on it. If not a complete rollback, then I think there should at least be a select character rollback.
Some of the horror stories of lost packers, and I'm really worried about the results of another poorly-tested slap-patch.
Some of the horror stories of lost packers, and I'm really worried about the results of another poorly-tested slap-patch.
Former Pilgrim of Atys
Follower of the Kami
Former Pilgrim of Atys
Follower of the Kami