The real reason people are soooo upset

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The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by ptooie »

Neverax dug this hole and now they should just accept it...

We all got spoiled by Blind,but even then there were places HUGE groups couldn't survive.
Everyone got used to 3000k easy XP every time out.
This was the bed the devs made for themselves, they should just learn to sleep in it...
As a harve I'm more upset about them taking away my ability to change source modes, it gave me the feeling I was being proactive in my diggin and not just hoping for a good dig.(At lvl200+ I still can't get a decent pull !)
The game had something for everyone with easy places and challenging ones then this patch harshed things for the non- challenge seeking ones (me).
Just give the people what they want and stop trying to cram us into some imaginary, perfect game world that dosen't exist.
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Re: The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by guhack »

I think they should do away with the "mode" of the resources displaying. It was great before when you could have more interation while harvesting & change it up. Now however, I see those other modes & just know I'm gonna botch it up, get under quality mats or fewer of them. That's fine, I'd just rather not know it when I start. :)
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Re: The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by drech »

I had to solo most of my time in game. I never used blind and honestly I thought things were ok combat-wise. I was forced out of the lower lev areas around level 60 or so, went to oasis and stuck for the 60-90 range, and was looking for somewhere else to go when the patch hit.

That progression seemed logical. I never questioned at all that I would have to move farther and farther away from the cities as I leveled up.

Then I realized just how bad the blind thing was, when people who started after me were lfg in the 135+ range. Here's what I realized (dunno if you can call this an exploit really since it was available to anyone, but obviously blind wasn't intended to work this well):

People who used blind to level quickly, leveled quickly. That's a win for them.
People who didn't use blind leveled normally. Compared to the above, that's a lose.
When the patch nerfed combat, that's a lose for both parties.

So what you end up with is:

Sploiter: win/lose
Honest: lose/lose

If you don't take away the advantage of players who used an ability in an unintended way, you are effectively punishing the people who did it the correct way.

But they won't do that. How can they? The players who used blind argue that it was in-game and so how can you take away their accomplishments? They're right, you can't. The company would lose those accounts because, rightfully, those people would be pissed and leave.

So the only viable option is to stick it to the honest player, who usually will not complain and just take it. These are also the same people who say give the game a chance and let things get worked out before you jump ship. They are like this because they are truly good and honest people. You can't knock them for that.

But what I've learned is that a win/lose situation is better than a lose/lose situation, and when it comes to something as meaningless as a game, I'd rather be in the first group.

Here's to blind users who took advantage of flawed game mechanics for the betterment of themselves.

Pretty smart as there is no risk of losing that advantage.
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Re: The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by yy48n19 »

ptooie wrote:Neverax dug this hole and now they should just accept it...

We all got spoiled by Blind,but even then there were places HUGE groups couldn't survive.
Everyone got used to 3000k easy XP every time out.
This was the bed the devs made for themselves, they should just learn to sleep in it...
As a harve I'm more upset about them taking away my ability to change source modes, it gave me the feeling I was being proactive in my diggin and not just hoping for a good dig.(At lvl200+ I still can't get a decent pull !)
The game had something for everyone with easy places and challenging ones then this patch harshed things for the non- challenge seeking ones (me).
Just give the people what they want and stop trying to cram us into some imaginary, perfect game world that dosen't exist.
Fun for us and profits for you...everyone wins.

Ug. You are so at the other end of the spectrum of paying customers than me. :mad:
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Re: The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by aelvana »

Blind was good EXP, and I did exp with groups that used it, cause you have to sit there for so long exping to get anywhere. I'm a fan of fast leveling.

BUT ... in all honesty ... it's much more fun when we have to play as an actual group working together, and not just assign someone to blind. I'd rather us have to work for mobs that give less than the cap. It's more fun now.
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Re: The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by glipe »

I agree entirely. I didn't think they needed a massive overhaul. A little tweak on blind and a few of the other skills (up and down) would have been fine for fight and magic. But they made lots of other changes that needed doing so I'm just going to see where it goes. I'm not going to complain from the moment go. I'll just give them a chance to sort things out the way they want it.
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Re: The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by ichigono »

aelvana wrote:Blind was good EXP, and I did exp with groups that used it, cause you have to sit there for so long exping to get anywhere. I'm a fan of fast leveling.

BUT ... in all honesty ... it's much more fun when we have to play as an actual group working together, and not just assign someone to blind. I'd rather us have to work for mobs that give less than the cap. It's more fun now.
That's all fine and good, groups having to work harder to kill mobs that give under the xp cap, Hell, I did that BEFORE the patch, because even with Blind, those mobs could still tear us up if we weren't careful. No more Blind? Try using Stun instead, its description is how Blind actually worked ;) Of course, you now have to level a different spell line to get it stronger, but it's a good tradeoff, I think.

However, an equal con mob shouldn't be able to reliably eat your face off, and give sucky xp when you DO manage to kill them. What good does it do that your heals are twice as strong, when the mob now hits its target 90% or more of the time, twice as hard as it used to, and oftentimes so fast that your teammate is dead by the time you get your heal spell cast? I'm sorry, but that particular nerf bat hit just a leeeeetle too hard for my taste. I agree that balance needed to be addressed, but damn, this was an extreme move in the opposite direction.

I hope that today's patch addresses the balance in a more positive way. I want to have fun again, for I do enjoy the premise of this game, and it has a LOT of promise. Time for Nevrax to start making good on that promise :)
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Re: The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by korin77 »

What I don't understand is the whole reason behind revamping the entire balance of the system. Blind was an issue, mostly because people used blind 1 on their weapons to defeat mobs much higher levels than they did. All that had to be done was to make each level appropriate to the mob level. IE level 200 mob would require at least a blind 10 or something. each level spell takes more and more sp, you are limited to the weapon you can hold base on your str. The amount of sp a weapon could hold was based on its level. So basically to put blind 10 on a weapon of say only level 100 would have only allowed it to cast it a few times before it ran out of charges.

I even agreed that the way they changed blind to would work to further help make it not as game breaking as it was.

But the whole decision to revamp the monsters... WHY?! They were pretty balanced before! You had a hard time soloing monsters your level without using something like blind. Why mess with that? Thats what I don't understand.
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Re: The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by rodrigoq »

drech wrote:So what you end up with is:

Sploiter: win/lose
Honest: lose/lose

lesson here:

Exploit early, exploit often.
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Re: The real reason people are soooo upset

Post by kisedd »

rodrigoq wrote:lesson here:

Exploit early, exploit often.
Yes that does seem the way of most mmorpg.

Many agree that blind was an issue.

I'm not sure the damage in patch 1 is working as intended. Many said it was doubel damage. My tests on certain mobs on the ATS came back as 5X to 10X the damage I was taking pre patch. That and the fact that dodge rates seemed non existant, maybe combat much too dangerous.

I got upset before the patch released, not because of blind, but because I knew mobs were too powerful and things weren't going to be fun after the patch in combat.
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