Patch Today

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Patch Today

Post by soulsnatcher »

Yesterday the first major SoR patch went live! As you all know the patch has been up on the advanced test server for some weeks and had been well tested by a select group of dedicated players. Having watched the reactions to the first evening's play closely (we really do listen, despite what some may think), we are pleased to announce that the dev teams are preparing a new patch to fine tune the combat and iron out the difficulties that some players were having.

The patch will also include the foraging changes that were announced yesterday, based on player feedback from the Advanced Test Server.

You wanted it, you got it.

And of course we'd love to hear your views on the changes as you experience them in game.


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Re: Patch Today

Post by borg9 »

soulsnatcher wrote:Yesterday the first major SoR patch went live! As you all know the patch has been up on the advanced test server for some weeks and had been well tested by a select group of dedicated players. Having watched the reactions to the first evening's play closely (we really do listen, despite what some may think), we are pleased to announce that the dev teams are preparing a new patch to fine tune the combat and iron out the difficulties that some players were having.

The patch will also include the foraging changes that were announced yesterday, based on player feedback from the Advanced Test Server.

You wanted it, you got it.

And of course we'd love to hear your views on the changes as you experience them in game.


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Thanks Soul,

Does this contain a second skill reset? The stuff in this patch (Harvesting) will change the choices made that were based on Chapter1.
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Re: Patch Today

Post by maggers »

soulsnatcher wrote:Yesterday the first major SoR patch went live! As you all know the patch has been up on the advanced test server for some weeks and had been well tested by a select group of dedicated players. Having watched the reactions to the first evening's play closely (we really do listen, despite what some may think), we are pleased to announce that the dev teams are preparing a new patch to fine tune the combat and iron out the difficulties that some players were having.

The patch will also include the foraging changes that were announced yesterday, based on player feedback from the Advanced Test Server.

You wanted it, you got it.

And of course we'd love to hear your views on the changes as you experience them in game.


Senior GM

Oh my.

What can I say, a Company that listens to its player base, good job.

Ill reserve my comments until after the patch.
And if you hurt any Yubos making those changes I will be writing to my MP :)
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Re: Patch Today

Post by hivewasp »

soulsnatcher wrote: You wanted it, you got it.

That sentence... your name Soulsnatcher... and your avatar... Brrrrrr... *scared*

Hope we won't have a bad surprise again :(
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Re: Patch Today

Post by shazzy »

wow what can I say, that is the fastest response from any game dev's ever. And I have played a whole bunch of games, EQ, DAOC, SWG, Lineage2 and a few more. Thanks!! :D
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Re: Patch Today

Post by krone9 »

is anything being done about crafting - as I understand it, its not worth doing the craft missions as the reward has been set so low. Also anything being done about obtaining mats in shops - the player base isn't large enough to support crafting being totally player-funded form harvested mats.

also would it be possible to have a reset SP's button for a week after the patch - its too easy to make mistakes when you don't know the game but have this much sp to spend.
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Re: Patch Today

Post by pcheez »

Well thank you soulsnatcher, i knew you guys were somewhere in your invisible plane listening to all the cries of despair and "i will unsub"
Wow, another patch so fast.... hell now im scared :o
Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
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Re: Patch Today

Post by borguk »

All I did this morning after letting the patch download last night was to re-learn my skills based on the patch notes. As borg9 has said, as your changing it again could you pls do another skil reset so we can adjust to this version (which I sincerely hope pleases most ppl).

Also any chance I can have my packer back that was in the stables that went when I right clicked the dead one and set it free (yes guys i have bugged it) only all my armour, weapons and mats were on it lol.

Nice prompt response from the devs, which continues in my opinion to be the best part of this game.
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Re: Patch Today

Post by maggers »

krone9 wrote:also would it be possible to have a reset SP's button for a week after the patch - its too easy to make mistakes when you don't know the game but have this much sp to spend.

That sounds like a good idea but unrealistic IMO.
Still a good idea :P
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Re: Patch Today

Post by jaggarot »

I just pray that the devs don't listen too much to the playerbase.

I've played too many otherwise fine games that were totally stuffed by the devs being led by the power-leveling diabloesque fans.

On balance, I loved the patch. It needs a few tweaks and that's hopefully all this will be - a few tweaks to make less downtime when harvesting and some aspects of combat less of a "certain death" scenario.

Yes, SoR is a difficult game now which requires you to think carefully about your actions. I like that.

There are plenty of other games out there catering to the click-and-kill/learn the game in 5 mins/PL to master in 5 days crowd. I sincerely hope SoR continues to cater for people like me, who want something a lot deeper :) .
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