its quite obvious that you patch-praisers have never played in the higher end of the game
as it is now its not fun
Heck, i was in propably one of the best teams possible yesterday, for about 6 hours. For those 6 hours we decided to roam around and look for new stuff to kill, to maybe figure out this patch. We were 3 healers, 3 afflicters (stun, blind, etc) and 3 melee/tanks. On every single mob we found one of the tanks died at least once, the usual amount was 5-6 deaths on each mob. You know how many times the afflicters managed to land their spells ? about 1 outta 40 casts. You know how long these spells last on a mob now ? less than an instant, you actually gotta look carefully to even see it being affected.
As i said, we played 6 hours, we tried to have a objective view on it but we just got more and more fed up with this crap, and we did NOT HAVE FUN !
Oh and in 6 hours "leveling" me, being the lowest lvl in the group, got 1/2 of lvl 82, IN SIX HOURS ! (the rest of the team were mostly 130+)
Sure, it was a bit easy earlier, 1 and 1 mob was no problem at all, and with 2 and 3 a few usually died each fight. but at least we got xp that way and we could be in big teams (which is fun)
Now it seems they want us to be in small teams, possibly even just duos, but a healer is REQUIRED anyways
Why couldnt they just fix the affliction spells (make the others actually do something which they dont, and nerf blind a bit) instead of doing what they did in patch1...
Maybe this is the solution?
Re: Maybe this is the solution?
it isrugster wrote:This is i think the main point of why many are complaining. This isnt something set in stone, its a dicision. Many are deciding now that it isnt worth while relearning the game, because it isnt fun. Instead people list thier complaints, log off, play someone elses game.
The point of a patch is to improve gameplay, and the most obvious factor of a good patch is many positive posts, servers packed with people playing, more copies of the game being sold.
See any of that? Didnt think so. If a patch even makes someone think of quitting. Its a very bad patch.
i like this game before patch but now no fun. and i going buy EQ 2 ....
cya there guys )
Re: Maybe this is the solution?
IF YOU THINK THAT IT IS FUN TO STEP OUTSIDE OF A TOWN AND GET KILLED ALL THE TIME THEN YOU ARE NOT PLAYING THE SAME GAME AS MEbrid54 wrote:Everyones sitting around complaining or whining, so after doing it once its done, no need to continue. It seems that some are managing and some are not when it comes to dealing with this new patch.
But how many games will become boring, If they never change? nearly all of them, thats why we go play new games. Your brain finds new/different situations more stimulating (more fun) than old ones, in which you may have already figured out how to either beat the system or do things the quickest, and this is normally a repeatative action (very boring).
If something changes (new patch) then you are going to have to adjust your playing style to suit the new system, just like you did it to fit the old system. Most people dont like change because they have gotten into their own working comfort zone, now if you change their situation then they are going to become upset and have to readjust (or some left).
But why play a game in the first place? For something new to do? Another world you can escape to? people have their reasons, but usually is for something new (if its something old then its boring and has already been done).
So please appreciate that the devs are actually making this game dynamic, so it will change and will offer new situations to keep it fun, and not stagnate and boring.
YOU will have to ADJUST as the world of atys has changed, so make it as enjoyable as possible and explore the new things there is to offer (there has to be something we just haven't been told about it ).
Some things though need to be addressed and the harvesting is being redone.
I'll wait for the flames because i know i have missed somethings, and because i cant stop you
Re: Maybe this is the solution?
rugster wrote:Balance, in game terms does not simply mean making everything the same, although this certainly seems to be the norm in the last 2-4 years. Balance in a game should include gradeing the playing system, to make the learning curves and difficulty curves easier or tougher where required.
My point was that you don't "fix" stuff by completely changing 200 parameters in one go... never said everything had to be the same.
I havent seen the patch directly, but i have read the notes, read the complaints etc,
Try it for yourself and decide then... I'm not entirely against the patch, I'm giving one week to test it and find new approaches, but at this point I can already see that the risk vs reward is way off in the opposite direction.
What's the point of killing a mob for 400xp if you have 60% chance of ending with a 12k death penalty? The only mobs giving more than 200 xp in magic still one-shot me... I know I'm not even 20 in fight levels, but a lag spike / resist and i'm dead all the same. And trying to raise my fighting on yubbos can take quite a while.
Re: Maybe this is the solution?
No i dont think i am playing the same as you as i have changed my style of play and am soloing grunting(q107) raspals at 2h melee level 87pop50 wrote:IF YOU THINK THAT IT IS FUN TO STEP OUTSIDE OF A TOWN AND GET KILLED ALL THE TIME THEN YOU ARE NOT PLAYING THE SAME GAME AS ME
for 3k xp each
suggestion sneak out of the town avoid aggro mobs if you dont know which ones they are, ask.(they have a range of 20m)
invest more in hp
get dodge amour
there is plenty of things you can do to not die
people used to be able to SNEAK the whole way to forign lands
This was a little to attacky
Re: Maybe this is the solution?
One thing i've noticed over time in MMORPGs is that with a major change everyone needs their venting time. The whole community needs a couple days to whine, *****, moan, complain, and get it all out of their system. Even the most ardent supporters of a game seem to go thru this phase, it's pretty normal and admittedly pretty depressing if you take it to heart.
That said, a couple days later the vast majority of players say "ok now what. I can refuse to participate in ________ and stare at the walls, or I can try to make this work". Sometimes mini patches come along to ease the transition, sometimes new techniques are stumbled across and posted in public forums, but it inevitably happens.
Glad to see a post like this starting to surface, it's a sign that a few more people are reaching the end of their "sulking phase" (god knows mine was worse than usual this time) and are starting to look towards solutions. I'm sure several changes are upcoming in mini patches, and new approaches will be discovered. Just a matter of making it work now.
That said, a couple days later the vast majority of players say "ok now what. I can refuse to participate in ________ and stare at the walls, or I can try to make this work". Sometimes mini patches come along to ease the transition, sometimes new techniques are stumbled across and posted in public forums, but it inevitably happens.
Glad to see a post like this starting to surface, it's a sign that a few more people are reaching the end of their "sulking phase" (god knows mine was worse than usual this time) and are starting to look towards solutions. I'm sure several changes are upcoming in mini patches, and new approaches will be discovered. Just a matter of making it work now.
Re: Maybe this is the solution?
Very funny statement. They wont even notice the 3000 (optimistic estimate) extra subscriptions. And most Ryzom players were going to check those mammoth mmorpgs out anyway.rugster wrote: This isnt how you fix a game, i am sure soe and blizzard will be laughing their socks off, all those ex ryzoms players joining them.
Re: Maybe this is the solution?
my point of view.jozzy wrote:Very funny statement. They wont even notice the 3000 (optimistic estimate) extra subscriptions. And most Ryzom players were going to check those mammoth mmorpgs out anyway.
I love it that this game evolves and that magic has gotten better i can now take more spells that i could take before. like 2 a 3 of every brance MAXED.
i also see that the new mobs have more dmg but he im a tryker.. i can swim where ever i want without getting aggro.. nothing has changed for me there.
Yes i will check out WoW but im afraid it will just give me SSDD with new graphics... i have played a lot of MMORPGs and i must say all started to annoy me after a time. with this patch system and changing of times and stuff like that i dont think ill be bored with this game any time soon.
Also what i really like about ryzom is that they give out a great game with some bugs and balance changes, but alteast they bring it out. thats why i hate most MMORPG and thats why Blizzard is highest on my s*it list... they make a hype and let you wait 3 more years... come on.. when its out it wont look as good as it would have 2 years ago..
i think the game is more chalanging now. i dont know about the harvesting part as i dont play harvest but the magic part is mutch better now also i have such an advantage not to take XXX start now cos i leveled all skill trees when i heard about the skill reset so gg navrax.
I dont get it when peeps complain they dont get max xp all the time... it was kinda funny that you could take 1 tank that could take on a higher level mob that would give him 3k xp and have 8 lvl 20 ish what ever doing what ever action and powerleveling them.. or is that just me? finnally this patch brings you a time where peeps will have to be usefull for a group and peeps have to do all kind of things in the battle (what the patch also alows you to do now sinse you have far more spells).
So i think it really improved the game i dont mind the dieing.. it makes it more fun.. you now need to think when playing and not just going from 3k xp spot to the next.. that is not what a MMORPG is all about.. than i would go back to CoH. its about everything in it.. not only levels..
one last note.. i play this game cos its the best looking game on the market.. (and ofcourse the boob slicer ) and i just love the things they do to keep it that way.. the magic gloves look so amazing and i love the new text above my head "dodge" wich is there a lot cos i have a good set of armour. The aggro indecators are also really good.. now i can see what i can take and what i cannot
hmz... back to work now Vin99 out
Re: Maybe this is the solution?
For those 6 hours we decided to roam around and look for new stuff to kill, to maybe figure out this patch.
First of all, I'd like to say good for you for trying to "work out" the patch, but mainly what I think on this thing is that they want you to team yes, but not necessarily small teams; a big team would work just as well... what you seem to be missin is that you have to choose what to attack - go for things that you can actually kill, instead of what you used to be able to kill only because you had a blinder so the mob wasn't fighting back. I think this applies to most of the whiners, and not just the person I quoted.Now it seems they want us to be in small teams, possibly even just duos, but a healer is REQUIRED anyways
Even mages have been whining that their spells are now useless. I think this may be because, for example, when I first went to the magic trainer after the patch I saw someone say "what spells are good now; which should I get?" and the reply came "at this price, get them all!" I think this is a very bad idea. Its like when a kid gets their pocketmoney and goes to the toy shop. Buying the shiny new super-amazing thing that you haven't played with before may seem all well and good, but it might not be the best thing to do. If instead of buying all of the spells they could, they had got the ones that they had before the patch (the ones that they still wanted of course) and then used the rest of the sp they had left over to buy more hp and some concentrate stanzas, they would have been much better off. This is probably why they reduced the sp cost of the spells in the first place, not so that we could cast everything.