Stop complaining....
Stop complaining....
i am sick of people complaining about the patch, for gods sakes give it time......grrr
Zigarakk - Zorai Healer
"Roger that, let's run like hell!"
"Roger that, let's run like hell!"
Re: Stop complaining....
You are so right but Harvesting needs a fix and should have left old magic amps alone.
Re: Stop complaining....
but was it okay to complain about lack of content?
Dyarta, Defender of Honour and true Follower of Jenna.
"May the Karavan strike down all dissidents and the Kami fiends."
Friends don't let friends play EQ2.
"May the Karavan strike down all dissidents and the Kami fiends."
Friends don't let friends play EQ2.
Re: Stop complaining....
Im with you on harvesting but i really wish people would stop greiffing the devs all of timeswayzo wrote:You are so right but Harvesting needs a fix and should have left old magic amps alone.

Zigarakk - Zorai Healer
"Roger that, let's run like hell!"
"Roger that, let's run like hell!"
Re: Stop complaining....
Look guys dev have messed up big time with this patch....the only onez going to gain from this is the ones from this is guys who have been on a long time and got wicked skill pts to comp for change'z..I trainned a guy up for 2 weeks solid hour after hour to get him ready for main. skill & all states high and what happens the skills i worked hard for are worth s**t i got so mant death pts it's unreal...just like the game play now .
We play games and thats all it is A game! To enjoy the game play and it seems even more funny when dev think it's ok to kick us in the guts with a cr*p patch and want us to pay for the plesure! lol nice one .
Some will like this patch...those who have good skills pts to get them out of the mess of this patch...and the others...Well..if dev don't pull pull their socks up it's curtins for this game and not only will their socks be down but the old pants as well with a gingo/dog,wolf what ever you call them bite-in it fitting end to the game
We play games and thats all it is A game! To enjoy the game play and it seems even more funny when dev think it's ok to kick us in the guts with a cr*p patch and want us to pay for the plesure! lol nice one .
Some will like this patch...those who have good skills pts to get them out of the mess of this patch...and the others...Well..if dev don't pull pull their socks up it's curtins for this game and not only will their socks be down but the old pants as well with a gingo/dog,wolf what ever you call them bite-in it fitting end to the game

Re: Stop complaining....
Critism, good and bad is both valid opinions. I am sure that you meant the "OMG this suxor" comments, but don't blow off people if they can back up their opinion even if it is a complaint. If people are not allowed to state negative thoughts, they will just leave without a word and noone would know what happend and why.
Nothing personal, but the ratio of "stop whining" to "quit/quiting soon" is very alarming, especially considering the apparently small player base. This can kill a game very fast if not address quickly.
There are some great improvements in the patch 1, take the now trade system. But if people think that the negative outweights the positive (and even worse, if they think improvements won't happen) they leave faster than you can softboil an egg.
Nothing personal, but the ratio of "stop whining" to "quit/quiting soon" is very alarming, especially considering the apparently small player base. This can kill a game very fast if not address quickly.
There are some great improvements in the patch 1, take the now trade system. But if people think that the negative outweights the positive (and even worse, if they think improvements won't happen) they leave faster than you can softboil an egg.
Re: Stop complaining....
i agree there are some good things brought in with patch 1 but i am a fighter/magic player and like to think i can play solo if i wish but the patch has stuffed that idear so thats a cr*p patch. to much in one go /to much of a change in magic and fighting-you can see there has been to much of a shift by the patch.
if you trade or do other non combat stuff then this patch is for you! but other than that
Beasts 1 v 0's a killer unless you are early Beta with mass of skill pts.
if you trade or do other non combat stuff then this patch is for you! but other than that
Beasts 1 v 0's a killer unless you are early Beta with mass of skill pts.
Re: Stop complaining....
I'm upset that it's impossible to solo now. Little XP reward with a -very- high risk. I'm upset that it's frightening just to leave town. I'm upset that I'm Lv. 90 with over 110 strength and consitution, 1500 HP, and Q70 armor, and yet 2 Lv. 18 mobs can kill me in a matter of seconds.
Re: Stop complaining....
The ibakus incident was a joy to watch.
Dyarta, Defender of Honour and true Follower of Jenna.
"May the Karavan strike down all dissidents and the Kami fiends."
Friends don't let friends play EQ2.
"May the Karavan strike down all dissidents and the Kami fiends."
Friends don't let friends play EQ2.
Re: Stop complaining....
Yes, but let's remember, the game isn't free anymore; people are paying money for this.bullough wrote:Im with you on harvesting but i really wish people would stop greiffing the devs all of timethey are trying their best.
It's not as if the reaction to this patch wasn't expected. The developers must have had some idea. They chose to drive on anyway.