Default Resale price too high

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Default Resale price too high

Post by lorgerol »

Looking at the default resale price when you sell items to merchants, I beleive it is too high. Now you may ask why is this bad? Because most people won't bother ever changing the resale price, primarily out of laziness, also due to inpracticality. If someone is selling a lot of stuff, they won't bother wasting time changing the resale price.

What this means is that the default resale price is going to be the standard price at which items/materials are available at the merchants. What before was the merchant price, now will be replaced instead by the default resale price. It is at this price that you will see most of the items/mats. Unfortunately, this price is too high, higher than what the merchants were offering materials at before the patch.

Having this high a default setting does not benefit anyone at all and will backfire. The idea behind reselling player items/mats is that when someone runs to the shop and dumps their wares, it doesn't get wasted. However, because of the high default resale price, people will be buying from those that did bother changing the price, or they will end up buying by talking to people. Therefore those players that just go and dump wares will not have theirs sold, and we are back to where we were before the patch.

The default resale price must be a lot lower, it will benefit everyone! Maybe 10% higher than the price at which the NPC buys it, not 100% higher. It benefits buyers for the obvious reasons, and it benefits sellers because their stuff actually gets bought. The sellers aren't getting disadvantaged, they are getting the NPC price anyway, but now they get the 10% too when their items/mats are actually sold.

I beleive the default resale price will have a significant effect on the game economy and its value should be chosen carefully, and I think it wasn't.
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Re: Default Resale price too high

Post by mboeing »

I myself think they are too low *shrugs*.
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Re: Default Resale price too high

Post by lorgerol »

Since I have made my original post, I have realised that I was mainly looking at Q5,10 and 20 materials, which have inordinate prices. The situation seems more balanced towards the higher level materials, and it becomes somewhat reasonable around Q50.

However, the default resale price being 248 dappers on a Q6 Yubo skin is just ridiculous. Newbie characters need a lot of money to buy craftable mats. 1500 dappers to make a pair of Q5 boots? heh.
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