Awaiting Back up Patch

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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by korin77 »

Hmm in that situation I would have gone without the mat spec and the desert spec and gone with gentle 2, rate 2, ql 120 to save myself some focus. I really don't think those specs are worth it for the cost in focus they need.
Korin - Tryker - Retired

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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by gecker »

I haven't played on the live server with patch 1 yet, but this is my experience with a number of hours foraging on ATS as a lvl 60 forager.

1.) I could not use the same combination of skills on patch 1 as compared to before patch 1 and get the same quality/quantity of mats. I needed to redo my skill combinations and drop some of the specialty items so i would keep my focus usage lower. For example, Terrain Specialization used too much Focus at my level. I pulled more mats without it.

2.) I found that Ground Stability and Source Preservation were very important to keep a node workable. Switching between these two and Extraction worked the best for me. Making a macro for switching between these is useful, since depending on the Source Mode, you may need one or the other, or both in some cases.

3.) It was important not to ever let my Focus run out. If it did, then I would often deplete the node. So with Patch 1, increasing my Focus amount and regen was important.

So my suggestion is that if you are a forager, take it slowly and see what works the best using lower level skills, then add higher level skillss later.
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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by korin77 »

I plan on maxing my focus/focus regen and then getting 1 plan at a time to test out what I need. Starting from the prospecting aspect to the harvesting aspect.
Korin - Tryker - Retired

125 2h pierce melee, 105 2h slash melee, 91 lake forage, 55 forest forage, 55 desert forage, 61 prime roots forage, 91 heavy armor craft, 55 light armor craft, 58 medium armor craft, 62 2h melee craft, 52 1h melee craft.
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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by tleilaxu »

jadeon wrote:Level 146 Harvesting
Gentle Speed 3
Gentle Rate 3
Gentle Quality 120
Desert Extraction Specialization
Sap Ground Extraction Specialization

Max quality on the node 200

Mode 1
1.5 mats q.107
Hard Luck
Mode 5
Gas Cloud
Mode 1
3.3 Mats q.120
Not enough Focus to validate this action
You recieve 571 exp.

1600 focus consumed
1640 hp consumed

Keep in mind I was extremely fortunate to get two mode 1's there
Why oh why do people still persist in saying foraging isn't totally nerfed to hell and back when confronted with evidence such as this and the fact that there is going to be a minipatch SPECIFICALLY to fix harvesting issues on the ATS as soon as Patch 1 stuff is completed.
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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by lyrah68 »

If I can live four years with a Mage that was Nerfed to *expletive* and back again in EQ, I doubt that any workable skill will "kill" my fun. Will I be disappointed if the nerf is as harsh as a drunken father? sure I will, and I will send in a ticket with my concerns and complaints.

BUT until they fix it, I will work with what I got. Also...I am not going to comment on the system one way or the other until I have gotten into game and...reskilled myself...and worked with the system to figure out how to make it work for me.

I thank those that found a way to make it work for them, I will try those ideas. Better to TRY new things and figure out what exactly DOES work. I would venture a guess that grouping is a slam dunk for foragers, but I am also rather certain that soloing IS and WILL be possible.

Try and keep a possitive outlook. I am not saying everything is perfect, but I am saying that players being in the 200s THIS soon, is WAY too fast. And they DID have to yank the reigns in a bit. It is sad that those of us that were moving slower will suffer along with the powerlevelers, but that is the way of things, the many suffer for the actions of the few.
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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by gecker »

tleilaxu wrote:Why oh why do people still persist in saying foraging isn't totally nerfed to hell and back when confronted with evidence such as this and the fact that there is going to be a minipatch SPECIFICALLY to fix harvesting issues on the ATS as soon as Patch 1 stuff is completed.
I am just passing along my experiences as a level 60 forager playing on ATS with patch 1. I agree that at level 60, foraging is harder. But I wouldn't say its totally broken at level 60. Some things I find better, like tracking and care plans. Other items are harder, like Focus usage.

Now for anything higher than level 60, I can not say whether it works or is broken. And I think I've been pretty clear all along stating that I'm at level 60, so your experiences tlieilaxu may be very different from mine since our levels are very different.
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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by tleilaxu »

lyrah68 wrote:If I can live four years with a Mage that was Nerfed to *expletive* and back again in EQ, I doubt that any workable skill will "kill" my fun. Will I be disappointed if the nerf is as harsh as a drunken father? sure I will, and I will send in a ticket with my concerns and complaints.

BUT until they fix it, I will work with what I got. Also...I am not going to comment on the system one way or the other until I have gotten into game and...reskilled myself...and worked with the system to figure out how to make it work for me.

I thank those that found a way to make it work for them, I will try those ideas. Better to TRY new things and figure out what exactly DOES work. I would venture a guess that grouping is a slam dunk for foragers, but I am also rather certain that soloing IS and WILL be possible.

Try and keep a possitive outlook. I am not saying everything is perfect, but I am saying that players being in the 200s THIS soon, is WAY too fast. And they DID have to yank the reigns in a bit. It is sad that those of us that were moving slower will suffer along with the powerlevelers, but that is the way of things, the many suffer for the actions of the few.
Oh give me a break, I'm tired of these jabs at so called "powerlevellers". Just because we have the time and cooperation to level quickly doesn't not mean that there is a "correct pace" to level. Nevrax itself stated that it would take about 6 months for a player to level up to 250 in all the skill branches if they were to powerlevel. So I don't know what your problem is and to blame those of us who enjoy grinding to get max level for the Dev's misguided attempts at balance is disingenuous.

Perhaps the Devs are surprised that so many have reached 150+. But to swing the pendulum in totally the other direction is totally counterproductive and not good for the game.

The concerns that your so called "powerlevellers" have were valid enough to get a minipatch in progress to go on the ATS server.

Perhaps there IS something to what the high level harvesters are saying, or do you persist to believe that all is right in the world?

Last message I post about this topic on these forums save to update info I may come across.
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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by zukor »

lyrah68 wrote:...... It is sad that those of us that were moving slower will suffer along with the powerlevelers, but that is the way of things, the many suffer for the actions of the few.
As a casual player, I want there to be a reward/progression aspect to make the game fun at every level, including lower levels. If, and this is a big if since I haven't yet played the patched version, the game is now even more monotonous for solo low level chars, it will be tough to continue for any length of time.

Doctor Z.
Last edited by zukor on Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by jadeon »

I would like you to define a power a gamer for me please. When you do that I will give another reply. As for the EQ reference, 5 year eq vet playing 2 level 65 enchanters 1 level 65 necro, and 1 65 mage so I'll pass on further comments for that reference as well.

Back to the point at hand, the evidence is right in front of you, you can deny it, argue it, look at and say oh if you had done this differently you might have gotten a better result, so in response to this offer me any hypothetical situation you want I'll test it. I'll show you the result is worthless. The folks who are blaming this on power gamers, and on poor tactics obviously have no clue or no facts to back up these "theories." Now when you show me some evidence I will apologize for this rant and totally change my outlook.

Armor Smith
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Re: Awaiting Back up Patch

Post by pcheez »

cstrahd2 wrote:Gentle Speed 1
Gentle Rate 1
Gentle Quality 250
Terrain Specc
Material Specc

Q50 Basic Node nearby town.

Start harvest
Mode 0
Explosion: 270
Explosion: 270
Explosion: 270
Explosion: 270

4Q50 Basic Materials, 1000 Focus gone, 1000 Hps damage

Nice, good luck everyone

Quitting Harvesting for Good now
Pariana, Ex-Harvestress Lvl 250

have u never considered that u might have capped the harvesting tree a "little" too fast there ?Harvesting has been nerfed
because of people reaching lvl 250 within 1 month and a half of release.
Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
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