hemera wrote:
It's this relation that separates multi boxing from botting.
The part of 'botting' that makes it commonly forbidden is where it allows a player-character to take action without needing input from the player, thus giving an unfair advantage over those players who do need to control their character directly. Multi-syncing allows you to make, say, 5 player-characters take action while you only need to provide input for one character. Thus 4 characters are able to take action without needing input from you. It's not botting, but it violates the same principle. You only need to control 1 character and the other 4 copy it's moves, same outcome as using 1 character with 4 bots.
All the re-definitions are nothing more than legal loopholes that allow you to infinitely argue that you're still following the letter of the law while even you yourself realise you're clearly in breach of the spirit of it.
hemera wrote:The only people complaining on these forums and sending email's to you are the ones who can't afford the amount of funding needed and are jealous of others who can.
Yes, how unreasonable of someone who can only afford one account, to expect a fair playing field against someone who has more RL money to spend.
And definitely, if a game has botters and other players complain about it, the complainers are the ones to blame for the bad publicity, not the botters, oh no.
I think it says enough that the bulk of your argument is packed with attempts to distract us into debating about the literal interpretations of the words involved, as well as attempts to point out who else is "doing it too", attempts to slander your opponents, and attempts to play the harassment-victim card. All very common (and unfortunately effective) strategies in political debate when a side realises they can't defend their case on it's own merits.
udyfastu wrote:Can't help but think that we have really done some excellent selling of the "Great Communitee" of players in Ryzom.
And add "attempts to silence the opponents by making them feel guilty about causing drama". This thread would've died silently in obscurity if people hadn't popped on to defend multi-syncing. So which side is to blame for the drama, now? The players banding together to announce they will not tolerate cheats in their game? Which, yeah, is an excellent selling of the community, actually.
Sywindt wrote:
- Use any software to pass along keypresses to execute actions on different clients than the one you are playing at the time (this is NOT valid multiboxing and is dissalowed by the Ryzom ToS).
But anyways, I am not Winch Gate and it's not my job to properly define the legalities. (Not that I envy them for having to take that on, mind you.
I see now why MMOs always include a "we can ban you for any reason we see fit" clause in their contract. :rolleyes
I'm just a player who wouldn't want to play a game where people get away with such practices, regardless of how they manage to get away with it. In light of this, thanks for these clarifications, Sywindt and Yumeroh.