As for boss pics tho, its more fun trying to get a pic of the boss in its natural habitat with its few guards and so on. It also gives me something to do when Im ig
deadelf Whispers of Aria
Ryzom Wiki "Those who fear the Darkness have no idea what the Light can do"
Bump! The wiki has long since moved to a new address where it's still going and expanding with new pages!
Our most popular pages remain the guild registry, listing all guilds on Arispotle, and the outpost registry, listing all outpost owners. They're still continuously kept up to date by the players.
But there's a lot of newer pages you may not know about yet!
The page on the new Occupations has already joined the ranks of the most popular pages, but less well known are the pages on occupation products and the occupation spoilers (including recipes and flowers locations).
Missed an event? Or just like to read up on the recent history of Atys? We're now keeping track of each event as it passes in the Event Log! Where possible all events get their own article including a summary of the event.
The list of Ring scenarios is still expanding and now has almost a dozen scenarios for download. If you want to give them a try, there's also a basic guide on how to download and play them.
For those interested in the lore, there's a full page on the language of the Matis. The languages of the other races are also in progress and in various states of completion!