I would like to see these spells affect *everyone* in the Area of Effect, not just enemies and mobs.
First, it is only reasonable that a "fire bomb" (or a "heal bomb) or a launcher shell is not discriminate once it lands. This is one of the few areas where Atys succumbed to the standard Fantasy Role Play model.
Second, it would make tactics more important in OP battles by requiring the AoE damage to take into account the possibility of friendly fire. As it is now, you can send out your tanks and artillery simultaneously and not worry about hurting the tanks as the launcher shells burst on top of them. You might decide to have your tank take some damage to take out a healer group or nuker conclave (after all, she is in good armor), but it should be a decision, not a no-brainer.
Just some thoughts.
-- Bittty
P.S. I like the idea of alchemy, too, especially if we can have healing potions that are incredibly hard to make and have substantial (2-5) bulk.
Area of Effect Spells/ammo
Re: Area of Effect Spells/ammo
Ryzom is a game with consensual PvP, by affecting everyone you break this rule and open a large door to many abuse.odofitzg wrote:I would like to see these spells affect *everyone* in the Area of Effect, not just enemies and mobs.
Next season ? Just adjust the shardid ! (+/- 3min)
Code: Select all
date --date `wget -q -O - "http://atys.ryzom.com/api/time.php?shardid=ani&format=xml" | sed "s/></>\n</g" | grep -e "day_of_season" -e "time_of_day" | sed "s/<day_of_season>/\(89-/" | sed "s/<time_of_day>/\(23-/g" | sed "s/<\/day_of_season>/\)\*72/" | sed "s/<\/time_of_day>/\)\*3/" | bc | tr "\n" "+" | sed "s/\+$/\n\"min\"\n/" | bc | tr -d "\n"`
Re: Area of Effect Spells/ammo
Hmmm. I'm afraid that I don't see that. Since PvP is consensual, even in OP battles, one could just as easily exclude neutrals (unflagged) with the mechanic as one currently excludes those on the same team.jwenting wrote:Obviously it would only affect those actually tagged for pvp, not neutrals.
Of course in pve situations it could get more interesting.
Make it affect only party members and parties will have to split for hunting. Make it affect everyone equally and you enable rampant pk'ing of the type that destroyed Diablo.
In PvE, one would have to avoid AoE (which generally isn't used against mobs anyway) or accept the fact that you would damage and/or heal mobs as well as party members when you use a bomb, ricochet or spray stanza. It would mean that we would have to actually use *tactics* (and spray would become far more important than bomb, imho).
However, I fail to see how it would enable PK'ing, given a retention of the consensual PvP standard, which I am *not* suggesting getting rid of.
-- Bittty
Re: Area of Effect Spells/ammo
Ummm. Much of what you said is in fact covered by the current game mechanic and fame information, including KoS and protective villages, etc.cobaltdemon wrote:There is one way to keep it civil. Please understand that I have not played the game very long so I am not totally familiar with all of the games mechanics.
If you make it so that if you kill a Neutral or Friendly you take a faction standing hit for each of the factions they are liked by. This is because you are a murderer in their opinion.
Yes, PKing and PvP are fun but they should have some risk just like any other thing you do in game.
PvP on Atys is consensual and consequence free, since there is no looting of bodies. My suggestion was made on the basis of commonsense and in the hopes of introducing more strategy into mass PvP situations.
-- Bittty
(Note to all: Odo (odofitzg) retired long ago to a fishing shack in Dyron. The only reason that the account name is up there is that it can't be changed (unless the Admins make a special change for "good reason"). -- B.
Re: Area of Effect Spells/ammo
Well a Fire Bomb is magic so it kind of makes sense (to me anyway) that it only hurts enemies. Launcher shell on the other hand isn't so I'd tend to agree that it's effect should be on everyone in the blast radius, not just enemies.odofitzg wrote:First, it is only reasonable that a "fire bomb" (or a "heal bomb) or a launcher shell is not discriminate once it lands. This is one of the few areas where Atys succumbed to the standard Fantasy Role Play model.
Elder Of Atys (ask nicely and I'll do the breakdance for you!)
All posts are In Person (Not IC, not OOC, not Rp, just me!)
Chasing the DING!
All posts are In Person (Not IC, not OOC, not Rp, just me!)
Chasing the DING!
katriell wrote:You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Re: Area of Effect Spells/ammo
woot bring on the free for all pvp, pls let us loot other players as well !!!! 

Re: Area of Effect Spells/ammo

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