aye, sry for that but iv grown really tired of ppl complaining all the time, at work and on the streets, on this game, on the sun, wind, whatever.morzyr wrote: "if there are whiny players that likes to write posts on the forum about game construction and dosent know anything about it, i wont mourne their loss.."
Its players like you that makes players leave cus they feel unwanted or not heard cus then they write a post its always gets some like you spamming love ryzom or die!
i try to be a happy chap but ppl always pull me down, and when im down i might say things like i said to you.
missunderstand me right, i ment what i said, but i also meant that its not the end of the world, so look past the bad things that have happend and play the game and be happy, cuz i really love playing with other ppl and having fun.
but if you arent happy, then do something else that makes you happy...
xoxoxoxoxo ^^