I use afflictions a lot, it's very long time i mastered DA. Well, i already expressed my opinion in many other threads, don't need to start another time.blaah wrote:affys are not team oriented skill. they waste of time.
i'm teamed all the time.... with my alt. both near masters (if already not) in melee/nuke/heal/whatnot. i'm at least lvl 200 in both affy.
before, i could fear that multiple aggro in any zone and get out to safe / rez alt. now i dont even try because (this is the best partmob (kinchers mostly) usually runs in circles in 50m radius when feared and because you need link, mob is attacking you in the second link breaks.
affys also need one dedicated affy caster per mob, who could be swaped to nuker because it's safer that way.
devs either need to remove the link entirely and make each old link spell last a while (based on skill vs target) or make link break _only_ when mob reists it (allow multiple links and running and range more than 50m).
to see if affys are useless or 'just fine', you cant 'test' them solo or in lab conditions. real situations is which shows if affy is useful or useless. like tank is breaking, cast fear to buy some time... bummer, it hit, but did not link. you both dead, should of continued healing/nuking
You can think whatever you want, I don't care.